Sunday, 24 November 2024


Releasing this awkward feeling 
I hate this notion as I want to let this out
But someone riles you, which leads to an uncanny shout.

I am effing peed off
Someone trying to advise when they haven’t been in your place before,
“Now eff off” you haven’t experienced what I have faced from the moment I was saw.

I know I am not perfect 
Yet controlling people think they know best,
They can simply eff off as through my time with God I shall find my zest.

I am scared when I get into this state
I know I need to snap out of it, as I want to remove this disastrous feeling of hate.

I am saying ‘sorry’ every time someone says something to me
All I want is unbreak these fucking chains and be set free.

24th November 2024

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