Thursday, 21 November 2024

Wouldn’t it be easy… if we…

Wouldn’t it be easy if we simply loved one another
Not argue or fall out when a topic of race divides us,
I try to look at God’s love, then we can ultimately trust.

Wouldn’t it be easy we didn’t do a name and shame
Wouldn’t it be simple if we could accept, and not be lame.

Of course…, murder, rape and other misdemeanours are disgusting 
God will reign judgement on them which will release combusting.

People, black, white, orange and green
Balanced opinions and loving hearts, not the colour outside.. 
do people want us to gel… or shame and divide…

Basically be a good person, and if ostracising takes place.. call it out
Don’t make it political or mention that group are to blame… 
Remember… people have the capacity to cause harm as well as refrain.

21st November 2024

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