Saturday, 16 November 2024

You are a blessing (Nikki & Matthew poem)

You two are a blessing
God spoke to me to write these following words,
You are so powerful in your humour and love 
Through me, there isn’t anything I want to change or even shove.

You make fun of me, which I thoroughly enjoy
Calling me: “how are you my Chicken biriyani’ or ‘Chicken masala kebab’
You always make sure I have a bed to lay on.. even at times of my rehab.

You provide me a meal when am feeling down
You say the right things, even though at times I want to drown.

There are plenty of other positive words I have forgotten to say
Yet through this life that we all lead my gratitude shall forever remain.

Anyway, this isn’t about me… this moment is about you, you and you
Remember prayers are said to you daily, this purely is about the respect and humbleness these words imbues.

“Prayer and poem for Matthew and Nikki”
16th November 2024

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