Tuesday, 5 November 2024

An apology

I say that I am sorry
I mean that from the bottom of my heart,
I hope you can see that in my heart I mean it, as it was inexcusable in what I said
I pondered it over and over again…in my head.

I wish you happiness 
And I do which you many moments of joy,
Like I said, what I said was not at all nice 
But believe me, I am trying to make peace
Love is always there, as these words I do need to release.

We all make mistakes 
As I hope and pray you forgive me for my words and actions,
You will always be someone I love and care for 
I can’t take away, as in my heart you are the one I do adore.

All I can do is pray for your forgiveness 
I have made the first step and continue to do a second and a third 
One thing for certain I am grateful for, is that you have read these solace  blessed filled words.

“Love Louise”
5th November 2024

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