Tuesday, 21 September 2021

When you say ‘No’ when God days ‘Yes’

Never lose your belief 
When others think you cannot achieve,
God says you CAN with the good you shall receive 
The purpose is to serve him, and where you will believe.

The best day as a none-believe is nowhere near the worst when believing in the almighty God.
Your focus is to serve his will 
His love for you is the sheer essence when you heal.

Love is a forward drive 
Hate holds you back
When when vexatious hits your soul
The Goodness of God is where you shall flow.

My exercise is the driver when God says “you can”
Especially running up the hill each morning,
Struggling with a straining breath
You shall never give in despite the number of falls 
His hope within you, shall be his never ending calls.

“The father believes in you.. now you start that practice too ❤️❤️🙏🏽🙏🏽. Jason”

21st September 2021

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