Sunday, 5 September 2021

We all say things….

None of us are perfect 
Yet sometimes others shall elevate high
Blessed in the Father, you are his perfect creation 
Confess to him through humbleness and therefore receive affirmation.

Broken, beaten and thoroughly bruised
Do not neglect yourself 
Despite others hurt 
You shall pull through the negativity 
Through hope and clear serenity.

We attempt to turn the page in your next quest 
Yet through humbleness and cry for help
It’s the Father who hears your pleading, when you desperately yelp.

There is hope
You may not believe you deserve, 
It’s the spirit within your soul that moves you forward and removes you from the brink
The Father holds you close, that’s a guarantee from which you do not need to think.

“Forgive yourself, you are deserving of the almighty love”

5th September 2021

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