Friday, 17 September 2021

When tired never give up

Simply said than done
The spirit is constantly held within,
You are a child of God
A place for you (yes you) to perennially win.

There is protection
There is hope to move you forward,
You are a child of the highest of high
What does that mean??… your tears of joy you need not to pry.

You are the hope from Gods calling
Tears from your eyes, perhaps continually bawling,
Love you brother, sister, mother, father and lover who is my friend 
There is glory for the sight which God transcends.

You fight the fight
You fight with all your love, 
I said I write this from the free, will God allows 
You are loved with strength from the Father and he accepts when you have constantly failed. 

17th September 2021

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Higher power

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