Monday, 31 May 2021

When you focus on him ðŸ™ðŸ―

When you focus on him
There is no better or humble place,
He has got you within his reach
There is so much from the ‘word’ you can teach. 

Humility and mercy 
That’s where you should fall,
No shame in surrendering to his call
The tears of hope shall stop you to forever crawl.

He has the best in-store,
Don’t take my word, 
it’s allowing Faith to enter into your heart;
From that moment when you embrace,
There is no better time to be in his glorious grace.

These words are spiritual and beholding 
This is a poem not to anger to pray tell scolding.
It’s even logical when hate is removed by love
The Father in heaven always rises above. 

Jason ❤️ðŸ™ðŸ―
31st May 2021 

Saturday, 29 May 2021

Centre of my earth

You believed in me 
And I in you
My Yiayia 
My stable 
I need you inside of me, rather than feeling fable. 

When you need calm
And you can’t calm your heart;
My Yiayia 
My friend, shall look at you for those feelings to depart.

You continue to look over me
I know you are not humanly here,
You gave me faith in God, where there’s nothing to fear.

I hold you hand
I’ll never let you go,
I love you my Grandchild, my kid
Keep writing as the devils motives shall eventually rid.   

“My yiayia, my Angel that always protects her children and grand children xx ðŸ™ðŸ―“
29th May 2021


They are awesome these things called feelings
It’s about our head and heart from which we are dealing.

I feel numb when I argue with the one I love,
Struggle with facts when they don’t align with the above.

Don’t lose focus 
Do t lose you,
Loving the one you love
Is always a pursue.

I dislike falling out 
I am sensitive like that,
Emotional intelligence are abundantly true
Be at peace with yourself, from that pray for God to arrive inside of you.

“Love God and love life. Love your partner with hope”

No matter what…ðŸ™ðŸ―❤️

If tears run down my cheek
I know the Father is there, and do not feel bleak.

When others shout out hate 
I know the Father will protect me, distilling there fate.

When I feel low
I know the Father shall pick me up,
And when I go slow, knowing the work needs to get done 
He will provide me with sttength, when others want me glum.

When clicking on my phone 
I know there are serotonins which keeps me enticed,
Yet there is always time for prayer, that’s where we are precise.


Friday, 28 May 2021

You believe in that?

You lay in your bed, and slay?
There is a Father that forgives us all, ok?

Hoping to stay close
Others saying you are bad, so you can’t be either 
Yet I am no longer blind, and beyond the ether 
You call me bad?
You call me all the bad names?
I need my Father in heaven to hold be close
He is the one who never forsaken, who means yo me the most.

Never stop fighting
There is always some thing round the corner,
Looking towards eternal life, and where there is peace, 
Once you accept God in your heart the hurt shall feel remove and cease.

Diabetes synonym

Do you think I like this condition?
Injecting each time you eat a carby meal,
Then others know the condition more than you
Please, give us T1D’s a break, 
we have done enough monitoring, for heavens sake…

Everyone is an expert ðŸĪŠ
Yet we live with diabetes every single day, 
Especially when you are having a hypo 
And that feeling when you want to fall in a hole..

As for the condition? is an education
And others will think they know it better than you,
Yet you live with it minute by minute; each and every day
And you pray that one day no more injections before scoffing a meal away.

I suppose we all learn about our health
And diabetes is a condition you constantly need to monitor,
A bit like when you have a temperature; you need to take out a thermometer…😉

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Then the Father stepped in

You thought you can do this on your own?
I thought I could, but then I failed
People reminding me of my past failures, 
As I was going slightly mad.

Then the tears flowed
“What’s going on here!” I cried
“No point saving me..” Lord, I have persistently lied.

“I need your help now lord, I’ve surrendered”
He brought me in through the calling of his son,
I am here to love you Father, I now know the victory is within.

No more anger 
Despite the bad days that may  occur,
You believe in your children, for you created us all
Heavenly Father, thank you for rescuing me, from that moment I stalled.   

When you blame

Anger for what is wrong and right
So..,  we struggle 
We fight
We laugh and then perhaps cry
And there is blame for what others sigh.

It’s all about prayer 
It’s all about hope 
Why cynical? that is toxic waste.
Believe in God, that’s our anchor to manifest 
His guile shall allow you to remove from becoming a mess .

Where angst is common 
And anger becomes the new norm, 
God brings us all together 
Through amidst of any spiritual storm.

Peace is humble 
Loving God brings you light,
Working through the hope he plants inside  
I am on this passage, I pray for you to come on this ride.

“I love you and love God.. praying for you each day.”
J x

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

I knew you were the one

I remember the day
I was struggling and feeling low.
People with less compassion
Felt I wasn’t allowed to even grow. 

I want you Father 
Meaning? I want you Lord,
Working through my pain 
I am moving away from going insane.

I don’t care what others think about me
The Father has got that in hand 
No more anger when’ve things are not going right,
God bless us with brilliance and delight. 

I want your humbleness 
I want to look up to your glory 
I know I feel blessed when humbled 
The bible is imbued with your glory. 

“Balance comes with peace with the lord. Once you accept, then protection detects.”

Monday, 24 May 2021


Others need to entice the mind
Others work through it, 
From the balance they capture and therefore hold
God is the final passage for where it unfolds. 

Some like politics and for what that serves 
Some like Sport, from where disclosure is found;  
We are all different, that’s what makes it unique
End goals do fade, especially to where we all peak.

Shapers, motivators and enticers 
They all have an agenda to gain,
Are their motivates to do good for the common folk
Or is this debate where others end up broke?

I suppose arguments are what people need to thrive 
I prefer a quiet life to be with my soul mate and pray to God to remain alive.

Where politics differ 
And Sport has an end to it’s goal, 
May God remain inside you as his powers inside of you, humbles and glows.. 

Saturday, 22 May 2021


And perfecting
There is the Father
The redeemer and sight 
The exodus passage, Gods leads this fight.

I love you God
You protect us all,
You make us stand up, especially when I was going to fall.

I love you always
Never a greater protector than you,
Fight for us all of the time
And this effort for you isn’t a bind.

Strong when we are weak,
Looking for answers when we continue to seek.
You hold us together, especially challenges are amidst 
You are our rock and our hope, especially when we look to dismiss.

Friday, 21 May 2021

Trying to remain positive

When your mood is up
And others try to knock you down,
And when you are down, the same people try to rise your spirits 
So what do they want? For you to be with it?

Peace within
Contentment to remain uplifted 
Then there are the one’s that start a sentence with the word “no”,
Understand you purpose and pray for them
There is always hope when holding strong in a waning stem.

Others resilient 
Pray for those in a place looking to seek hope, 
There is enough positivity to surround 
I beg you my beautiful friend, 
do not let others go down the negativity trend.

This is therapy for me, as well as for you
Yet I have been to that dark place when others say “you are a big person, step it up!”
Yet you are down and looking for a way out
Emotional intelligence is pivotal and key
It’s a way to recapture your spirit, and humbly be.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Letting go of others anger towards you

It’s their grip
It’s their concern 
Don’t get roped into their psychological burn.

You may have done wrong 
People look at others faults
What else can you do?
Just pray to God
removing hurt aimed to go inside of you.

You can only connect 
Or you can refuse?
Toxic negativity, I dismiss and pray to remove others bruise.

I love to love
I love to keep it together,
It’s people’s personal wants that can disjoint 
Which meets the never never and no other point.

God is your alignment
Faith brings us hope,
If others are in a vexatious place, simply pray for them and for the woe to go away 
Others that may be your guardians but do not address the issue with you correctly
It’s your time to look at solace with the art of dexterity. 

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Holding onto faith

You can’t lose hope
That’s a human trait, which is frequently deployed 
Are we now looking towards the future? 
Or becoming more aggrieved? At a time we are less perceived.

Look towards Gods’hope
Regardless of Race, colour and creed,
Are we all meant to be one?
Or look towards blame, which results in anything glum.

Love over comes hate
Wasn’t that what Martin Luther King said?
Getting tired of this division 
I am a person of hope, rather than temporary provision.

Ignoring facts?
loved as one has its place on this earth,
we weren’t programmed to dislike?
Entering into arguments which causes harm,
I am a Christian of hope, that shall bring out the charm…

Saturday, 15 May 2021

We are one

Didn’t Othello say: “if cut, won’t I bleed?”
It’s not about race, colour or creed.

Why do we bicker about race?
Ain’t we suppose to be one?
Doesn’t matter what we look outside
Love is love, that I won’t need to hide.

We humble and stay with God
He wants us to be one. 
We don’t need to oppose each other, 
We need to face the same run?

Anger has no place
It’s God’s run we need to confront 
We can’t embrace goodness 
Rather take the devils brunt.

We are one, that’s what I say
If you want to separate yourself?
I’ll say this: “I’ll pray for you, and perhaps one day you’ll come our way.”


Imagine (Diabetes poem)

Imagine calculating what you are about to eat?
Eating a sugary fruit, you need to workout first 
and then sugars may rise, which causes a thirst..

I took my time 
Working out what to do,
Then there is the speed of life, 
I have diabetes? Methodical? Are you? 

You learn to be patient 
And look after your hypos,
And if others think you are ignorant?
They don’t know this condition you manage, 
minute by minute or day by day
If they tell you to rush, then it’s your timing you need to keep far away..

Do I like this condition? 
yes, but only as a subject from what I’ve learnt.
Humbling your body, treating it with respect?
It’s a condition you brave with open arms.
Yet the hypos are a challenge when friends disregard 
Yet praying serves a cause,
Lord Jesus I know this condition has no pause..,

“Praying for a curse..ðŸ™ðŸ―ðŸĨ°”

Where there is hope.. you’ll find love

Bring me peace
And you’ll find joy,
As long as you manage the extremities 
God shall deploy.

I’ve met you
Now we need to connect,
These words arrive through an ultimate gain
I shall always love you, and never refrain.

The highest brought us together
The highest brought us peace 
Don’t we all deserve that, in the very least?

There’s too much chaos 
Which has been brought into a trend, 
I believe in a God that loves us and wants nothing but the best,
Isn’t that the perfect gift when we’ve been found? 
Theses are humbling words, from which the heavens surround. 

“If you believe in God, then the hope you want shall be found. Say your prayers and go forth, to the Father in heaven who loves you.”

Friday, 14 May 2021

I met the one❤️

The heavens open
Divine is her name,
I was once a wounded soul and felt tame. 

Human in spirit 
Loved graciously by God’s grace
The eyes met humbly 
We felt the Fathers embrace. 

The belief we have in each other
Is like no feeling captured inside,
This is God’s working inside of us
From where there’s no love divide.

There will be that beautiful day 
Where two shall become one,
I love you Didi, yes you? 
My world, my light, my beautiful Congolese queen
My eternal delight, my captivating dream.
❤️ðŸ™ðŸ― love from your J xx

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Loves god and proud

We have found direction with beautiful sound.

There is direction in his focus when I pray
There is no other inspirer from the positive I attempt to  say.

I never lost hope
When others lost their faith in me,
Those who take a disliking to you, you pray for them
Can’t you see.

May the love of God
Hold you tight,
Nothing but direction through his might.

Everyday I need his prayer 
Everyday I need to stare, 
Everyday I want him close
Brothers and sisters rejoice
Hearing the magnitude of his voice.ðŸ™ðŸ―

I start the day with a prayer

Praying is a delight to my soul
It’s holding me together 
As I encourage others to simply glow.

I rather be humble, protect and genuinely be nice
Aggression is futile  and unnecessary vice.

Prayers are free and welcome part of the day
And there is humility in all of us to rejoice,
We all need to let a prayer out
I rather do that, than lose control with a hysterical shout.   

Be kind 
Be connected with a faith so loving,
Rejoice, embrace and love your heart within
There is beauty in prayer, through what we bring.

“Kindness and love… yet our journey can take us off the rails.”❤️ðŸĨ°

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Praying for those who persecute

People aggress
Leading others to confess,
Take away the anger held inside
Praying for the persecutors, you do not need to hide.

Those that dislike me
Is none if my business to accept,
I have a Father in heaven who loves you and won’t forsake 
Your time with the Father shall never allow you to break.

Overcomes anxiety 
Loves always defeats hate,
There is no need for violence 
No action, simple silence.

Your hope is Gods hope to prevail
You will enjoy a wonderful journey to embrace,
It’s always been God’s timing 
Wonderful array of joy, along with delightful rhyming.   

Simply be kind ❤️ðŸ™ðŸ―

Be safe
Be mindful
Be humble in spirit
Learn what is kindness within it.

Pray for others
It’s kindness is what you need,
Yet people become more resilient, harder from where to feed.

It’s humility in kindness
It’s humility which beats the devils sin,
It’s caring of others which truly prevails 
Goodness should never be apart of anyones fail.

Yes, it’s nice to be nice 
Yes, it’s good to have banter and lots of joy,
Yet it’s prayers which brings you closer to join God’s kingdom
It’s the true essence of a glory filled freedom.

“Prayer a day keeps the devil aggressors away.”
12th May 2021

If you have time to worry… then

If you have time to worry
Then you have time to pray,
Believe in the cornerstone, yes, the redeemer
The ultimate spirit, the perennial believer.

You can’t continue life without faith 
Faith in the power
The one that believes in you
There is a journey far greater from where he wants you to pursue.

Hope and prayers are the way
Hope and the light provides hope,
I truly pray one day you reach this place
The best return you’ll ever face. 

I love you
I don’t know you; but it’s better than wishing you any woe
Where the spirit provides a passage to reach
There is a Father in heaven whose humble in their preach. 

“The light, life and the way… Romans 12:10”
12th May 2021 xðŸ™ðŸ―❤️ 

Sunday, 9 May 2021


These times vary when you look at your childhood past
Children with loving parents who can’t do enough,
Children with parents who struggle to do their job and then become self righteous
Emotional intelligence brings you through 
That child of God is what the Father gave to you..

Believe it or you don’t, consequences are always there
None of us are perfect, yet you bring a child onto this earth,
Isn’t it worth focusing on them, and showing there spiritual worth?

Love, kindness and values always gain 
People getting drunk, taking drugs and having children to protect,
There focus is on themselves and drowning down in a pit
Yet their children needs encouragement, so capture the values to make them depict.

You can say “I received nothing, they will get the same”
And you want children to inspire through these words? There’s a view of delusion
Look at the facts, and you want this to be the conclusion?ðŸĪ”

Children are here to be loved, hugged, receive kindness and shown the purpose to thrive,
Coming on this earth is difficult enough, we need to make this happen rather than making them feel unvalued and loved. 

“Encouragement.. and love, it’s that simple.”
Jason xðŸ™ðŸ―❤️
9th May 2021

Saturday, 8 May 2021

So my pancreas decided to die (Diabetes poem)

So my pancreas decided to die
I want to curl and, and yes wanted to… cry.

I took this opportunity to learn something new
Evolving medication, which science is always looks to pursue.

Yet there is faith 
The place I am at,
I don’t blame God for this try
Something else might make me fall and dieðŸĪĢ?

Now I don’t produce insulin
The organ that breaks down sugar, when I eat,
I can continue to embrace this condition, rather staring down a barrel of defeat.

“Another one for my diabetes brothers and sisters”
Love type 1 D Jason x
8th May 2021

For’s and Against (Diabetes poem)

For’s of this complex condition
You can go on a diet without trying 
You can eat good protein food without crying,
The carbs that are heavy and lay in your visceral gut 
Will remove you from delving into difficult rut.

You can be disciplined, avoiding harm to your nerves 
You can understand what’s going on, 
and regain health in your aim
Diabetes has never won, it’s a disciplined art to tame.

May the heavens open and pray you learn the cards which you’ve been dealt,
I am not angry any more, diabetes is my condition to embrace 
And I will be victorious from the lessons I am prepared to face.

Each day is a challenge 
And you need to own this difficult vice,
It’s through your tenacity and guile you embrace  
Diabetes is what you’ve got, 
don’t be ignorant or the nerves inside of you shall rot.

“The ending of the poem isn’t the most positive,  hit it sheds light to what responsibility you need to manage the condition.” J xx
8th May 2021

Must keep going

Knock backs in life can be regular
Yet sometimes achieving can make you to become secular,
Go with a good pace, but don’t knock yourself out
You are a child of God, the quest? That’s what it’s all about.

Stresses, strain and knocks… we all receive them 
Hard as they come, you need to come right back
Wallowing in pity serves no cause
It’s the fight in the spirit that you do not want to pause.

Chaos serves no purpose
It inflicts the strain what the mind can cope
Yet focusing with God’s almighty love 
Is what you look up to, not always rise above.

Those who do not believe, haven’t met the father yet 
That time with the creator, the wisest of them all
Shall move you in the correct direction and shall prevent you to fall.

“We can all appreciate knock backs, and it’s sad when they happen. I too can wallow in self pity, it’s how you are prepared to learn from the mistakes, bless you all xxx“

Friday, 7 May 2021

I never thought..

I never thought I’ll see you again
I thought your face will meet mine again
Yet through God’s guidance you will enter my heart again.

I love you so much
I love you because you hold my heart,
I love you because it’s you through God’s say
I believe you never lead me astray.

You are my wife and my eternal hope 
You are my tears 
Especially when I cannot cope.

Love you beautiful
You are that to me,
The blind touch of they cannot see. 

X love you divine  

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Through God’s Love

We find peace in the Father
We find zest from a prayer and seek eternal hope,
Looking towards kindness, joy and sanctification 
Embellishing our time with beautiful gratification.

I pray daily
For my wife
Child, mother, father, cousins, friends and strangers
They can gain protection through a spiritual war facing 
Perception which is ingratiating.

The words I write arrive from the Father so high
Believe, yes believe..,it’s the only way to caoture direction and ultimate peace,
Struggles will always be around 
Yet the Father in heaven is the comfort which I’ll like you to found.

One day at a time 
One moment to achieve and find a goal which God sets your path,
The Love of God will remove the archaic sense you want to manage within your heart
The hope we look towards going to the Kingdom shall simply be the start. 

Removing judgement from your hearts (never mind how difficult that is) can be toxic. Praying for another human will always encourage your inner sanctification.”  X peace 

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

God’s great creation

God’s inspired creation
Brings the notion of all his adulation,
The joy we are here
And through our brokenness we no longer fear
The humility of faith brings our a gentle tear.

It’s God’s question for us to see
The humility to bring joy through we prayers we speak
Humility through the Father is what we should seek.

Love of God’s creation. 
Is the ultimate manifestation 
I speak with focus and love 
Look towards all these things I’ve said
Peace with humility is the hoping of my pining been

He holds you close
And he shall never let you go,
God has the answers, especially when his children are facing against
Prayers are the power to answer you

“Love only love wins xx”

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

God’s timing ❤️ðŸ™ðŸ―

The word is based on wants 
The word craves ‘time‘ for two people to be as one,
Yet I do feel a struggle with the essence of time
Looking for answers, yet it’s through God’s worldly rhyme.

There’s peace with heaven
And there is peace with love and hope,
The peace with timing does show light
Yet we can’t see what’s in front 
God’s love shall deal with his children’s brunt.

One day looms 
One day the seconds will soon pass,
Please Lord I can’t lose what I love
Yet in the last 12 months I have found my beautiful dove.

Sorry, but the world has been chaos 
and sorry to hear there’s no calm which has delved into each of our minds,
Be strong, humble, calm, kind from the list I continue to write 
Time can be the strength, challenging and ultimate light.

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Breathing heavily

This moment has been a long time waiting 
Two souls entwined through this media world,
Both believe in God through this romantic whirl.

Taking our time 
Time to be eventually on this earth as one,
Praying to God for all to be saved
Yet we are humble and through each other we can crave.

We look at life with the same Christian view
Believing in God, is the direction we shall pursue.

No other secrets 
All has been laid on the table,
Getting off that plane, my breath is starting to desire
Yet it’s all thanks to God our paths come through the mire.

“We both prayed to God for this overdue moment”
2nd May 2021 xðŸ™ðŸ―❤️

Diabetes and life 💉❤️ðŸ™ðŸ―

Clearly I want this conditionðŸĪŠ??
But this condition has kept me fit,
This does come with a wake up call,
“I dont look at the premise, where I shouldn’t eat that at all?”

Just need to be vigilant and mindful at all times,
Carb counting, testing bloods and administering  medication,
I pray to the Lord when I do my meditation.

People unaware?
People not sure what to do,
This condition can affect all parts of the body
Yet I am fitter now and don’t look at all shoddy.

I understand myself now 
More than I ever have,
Coping with this condition, which pulls out the stops
I can continue like normal, like going to the shops.

I like the lifestyle, but not what’s going on inside,
Yet with due diligence and aptitude 
There is hope for us all and eat with awareness and plenty of gratitude.

“Do I like having diabetes? .. it’s a simple “no”. Have I learnt a lot ?“hell yeah”, do I appreciate my life more??? “Of course” bless you

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Feeling safe

Feeling safe…
A place we all need to belong, 
Is there an answer?
Yes, through God’s timing 
This isn’t just a poem that leads into  complex rhyming.

There is hope
If the world has hit you hard;
Then pray.. nothing more or less…
The hope stays inside of you
You will eventually go towards a rest from the dreams you look to pursue.

In a time where politics is the leading strain,
People gaining points on another, 
Especially when there is nowhere to turn
Isn’t there suppose to be hope from which you start to learn?

God is power and he is also love too
Focusing on the truth the light and way,
The blessing inside of you will lead to speak hope to positivity say.

These words are simple
Nothing at all complex,
It’s man speaking negativity towards each other 
Where there is guile, there is hope for one another xx

Diabetes stigma

Perhaps it’s because I am sensitive Perhaps it’s because I am outspoken and in-tuned, Perhaps the hypos are getting on top  and others ask q...