Tuesday, 2 February 2021

My heart is melting πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Praise you my beautiful
I can only speak through poetic verse 
I am so humble yet surreal 
Avoid anything that is ever coerce.

Thank you for your patience 
And love for me, 
I stay with God alongside you
This beautiful direction we pursue.

Stay as you are
Actually no.., continue to evolve
You will look for situations waiting to solve.

I am there in Gods reliable arms 
His hope stays with us
For he is the almighty we should all trust.

1 comment:

  1. My love I'm melting...

    My heart beats for you ♥ I love you so much


To start

Remember God is awesome  God is also smart He is the first, the last and shall never depart. Remember, God us loving  God is there God is th...