Friday, 12 February 2021

My love

What can I say about the person I love
She thinks I am mad and knows I fear God, 
She thinks I am crazy and gregarious 
I am also someone humble and a little bit various.

She is kind and beautifully sweet
God fearing and a glorious treat.

I see her as humble 
I see her as kind,
I see her so balanced and warm
May God protect,  as we were both previously torn.

You are a delight, whatever way we may come across 
We believe Jesus died for our sins,
We are simply waiting to become one 
May peace in heaven bring us hope, joy and that much needed smile
And the heavens reign beautifully for a long, long  while. 

1 comment:

  1. I know you are Amazing, awesome and wow
    My handsome amour and I love every part of you ❤️πŸ™πŸΎ


To start

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