Thursday, 31 December 2020

Boldness of prayer

When all fails 
We say “ why not, nothing else has worked.”
The hope of protection from the Father 
will refuse you going berserk. 

The words of prayer 
Have their prevalent say,
Holding yourself together 
Makes you want to be pray full and refute the negativity to go away.

The blessing from the Father
That’s the truth said from the heart,
The humbleness from the spiritual path
Gives you hope from the start.

Here is my hand
Here is the hope 
Become hopeful and be kind to thee
Through a poem, we will constantly see.

2020... vision

Good bye this year
Something to view and plenty to fear,
Goodbye to 2020
We often associated in  attached to vision 
The new year beckons, a better time and less of a mission.

I pray you all have a great year ahead
This year 2020 could now go to bed,
The past will be remembered 
But this new page will now turn
Simplicity needs to be installed 
Many have gained, and many have called.

Remember those we have lost
Remember the highlights we’ve seen 
This has caused unforeseen nightmare 
This is the end of a horrible dream.

Things will be different 
They have to be..
When moving forward 
Then change will remove the negativity from the past 
As this situation shall never outlast. 

“Happy new year to you all in 2021.... it’s been emotional” xxx

Monday, 28 December 2020

Running and prayers

A quest to run is a challenge quest
Try it through saying prayers from your heart
Yes, there is panting and darkest cloud
But your faith in God grows as you totally believe.

The run goes deeper
Every prayer has a great worth,
Saying it from the heart counts
The spirit with love has an almighty mount.

God is beautiful
God is so great 
I pray for each person that I pass,
As the panting breathe I know won’t forever last.

I reach my goal and I know there is more to come
Where there is prayer, the Father is right in front
The story of brokenness, lies and deceit 
Yet it’s the running with my prayers is a never ending feat.
“My run each more, before I start anything.”
28th December 2020

Living with Diabetes (poem from a type 1 Diabetic)

Do you know what a hypo feels?
People trying to tell me how to manage my condition
Appreciate the free advice that’s for sure?
But having a hypo is a clear burden at anytime
They come unexpectedly and are healed with patience and time.

“It’s easy” that’s what plastic doctors say
Yet it’s the highs and lows you need to deal with at stressful times 
Patience, a good temperament, faith and guile
You’ll get out of these difficult situations which may take a while.

You need faith, Gods love and abundance of belief 
Keep moving forward and start to learn
Incorporate exercise with lots of prayers
Kindness to move forward as life shall always be there.

I pray for one day this condition to finally rid
But others thinking they understand the ‘feeling’ of this diabetes feeling 
May the heavens restore my hormone pancreas release  
No one can say they know the feeling of a low or high,
Not forgetting the calculation before the food is laid 
God bless you if you understand from this these simple words relayed.

My story

There are stories which obviously start your quest
Some people have good parents,
Some get indifferent ones that align to a child
There challenges don’t imbue and cause the situation to become wild.

What do I mean? as these words are then released
You look to a parent to give you hope
Yet it’s Gods calling that stops you dangling from a rope.

You haven’t been in my shoes for an hour or even a second 
It’s the calling from God you need to hear 
And embrace to reckoning we need to fear.

I am not calling people names
I just want them to see the light,
Gods has your want to go to go with him
Heaven above, refutes us going to sin.

“The Lords words to me. Keep praying”
28th December 2020

Turning to 2021

The year has been challenging
At the very least
People struggles continues 
Tamed by an invisible beast.

The past needs to be left
We need to keep moving forward
The new year needs to be better
Like writing news on a positive letter.

Remove the politics 
Stop saying “that’s the problem”
Have an answer and then start to laugh
Some like being miserable and be at the end of a wrath.

The time will hit midnight 
God calls you to come to his heart,
Believe in the passion the Goodness brings 
The devils attack shall be nullified from where the Angel’s sing.

When faith drives you

Judging is daring
Especially when others are down,
Yes you need the strength to get up
But don’t make that person want to feel to drown.

Faith is the way
I believe that every single day,
Actually every single second, as a matter of fact
The powerful encouragement from the Father is where it’s at.

The faith is all powerful and humbling
It does not negate other people’s souls,
Their are trouble makers in the mist,
Follow the Lord, he has the gist.

You hope
You have feelings 
You regard the Lord in the sky
When I cry for happiness 
It’s the quest from him that shan’t make any of us to lie.

“Believe in him, all will be revealed”
28th December 2020

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Pray for those who struggle

A tear leaks from my tired eye
The devil attacks, and with that; comes lies.

The tension is high
And hope faces an almighty challenge, 
Others getting to you through the devils attack
Do not worry as the Lord has your back.

We are all fractured 
Believe that or not,
God turns the weak strong 
Where there is the Fathers hold, from there won’t face the devils scold.

Pray for those who lack Faith in the Father
I feel comfort through the prayer 
And from that at least the protection we unitedly share. 

“A pray for those who question Faith in the Father.”
27th December 2020 

Saturday, 26 December 2020

You make me smile ❤️❤️

When I see your face 
My heart reaps with joy, 
yes, I am a little distant at times
But the day we rejoice will feel like a harmony to prolong.

Our time will come 
Said time and time again, 
May we be blessed with God and his almighty words
And the love of God released from your paws
And hope of getting close is divine, and yours..

Be at peace with me 
Our journey awaits 
The love of God holds us together 
Passage we duly await with open arms
It’s the grace and mercy of God leads to a charm.

Brokenness, hurt but forgiveness we show
Words written not everyone agree
Yet the grace of God we always set us free. 

“Life to Divine... xx Jason”

Jeremiah.. our king

For Jeremiah is blessed
And his spirit reigns high, 
passionate for the Lord 
From where others shall joyfully cry.

Jeremiah, the word means “means to see through”
A little champion who fight never ends 
His joyful grin and beautiful face
Makes us want to endure a time and place.

Birthday wishes our little solider friend 
A beautiful child 
So often lifts our spirits to the skies
A blessing from the Father, from where our hearts shall beautifully vie.

Embrace the Father
His heart will beat a exhaustive sign of love,
From where there is the Father 
Jeremiah’s calling shall keep us very strong
Happy birthday buddy for the cheers shall continue to prolong.. 

“Happy birthday Jeremiah. Lots of love Jason xxx”
26th December 2020

Friday, 25 December 2020

Our hands together ❤️πŸ™πŸ½

We are together 
And we pray for you,
Taking a step further, 
through learning the humbleness of God
That’s where we enchant the good news from his almighty nod.

Pursue the spirit 
The spirit is clearly there,
Hold our hands together 
For we shall love and show his love is there.

Our first Christmas together 
Divided from two parts into one,
This day our hearts celebrating the joy of Christ
And joy of love,
One light is shining as the Lord shows the way 
We rejoice you as the birth of the King ascends 
From the hope that he’ll brings and worthy to depend.

Let’s open our hearts 
And show the encouragement he brings 
The light that saves us, bringing us hope
Where there is Jesus, there is our hands 
Praying and rejoicing through the goodness he stands .  

“Merry Christmas 
Love Jason and Divine x ❤️πŸ™πŸ½“

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Love wins

Love wins, evil is removed 
No place to embrace hate,
Love defeats it’s enemy, evil
With calmness and still
We shall reach the top of the humble hill.

I land my pen on this paper 
As God speaks the message, plain and simple
“Pray for your enemy when you look for peace”
Your forgiveness removes 
The Devil’s cardinal means the least.

The words flow
His love reigns,
Perspective is humble and key 
You will lighten up and lead yourself to become free.

Goodness always humbles 
The birth of the saviour has arrived,
Close your eyes and pray for peace during these times and hold onto hope.
Try to remove yourself from negative criticism; caused a harmful stare
As overwhelming tones can lead to a continued glare.

Peace, hopes and joy... a great counsellor that came to save the day,
Calling to spread the word of love and show us the lead of  the light
And yours to embrace to show us all to defeat the defeats worthless fight. 

Healthy Festivities.

Health received a new challenge to face

Yet with spirit we have managed to keep with the pace,

Many have been victims to the cause of this dread, 

we look to the skies as the heavens embed. 

may the love of God hold in your hearts

Continuing to pray each and every day, 

The light of the word shall have its say.

Be kind to your spirit and be kind to your health needs

We look to hope when these times hit us hard, 

through guile, community and spirited vibe

the only way forward through a harmonious tide. 

Be at peace with God

be at peace with your faith, 

Healthy discussion to lead to healthy debate

working towards a goal to manage our health state. 

Love for peace and love to remain kind

love wins over the attacks received,

There is love for our NHS, from which we believe. 

Jason Andrews

"24th December 2020

Have a beautiful Christmas everyone."

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Festive love

A thought for all at Christmas
The birth of the King has arrived,
We see the joy of his birth
His love for you, is the goodness for what it’s worth.

No politics...
Just joy... to see others smile
And a thought for others facing harder times,
Try to help
As goodness shall come with this poetic rhyme.

Love of God and all mankind 
The helping of others are worthy to your feelings to self give
Humbleness in Christ the King is where we humbleness live.

The presence of hope 
When a saviour is born,
You are loved by the birth of his arrival, 
Merry Christmas beautiful people I say from the heart
The celebration of Jesus’s birth never departs.  

“Amen x ❤️πŸ™πŸ½“
J x

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Picture... and worth it...

Blessed with love
And sometimes for a tarnished past,
One thing for certain nothing ever lasts.

Bad things happen to Good people
Somethings are out of your control
Despite worthy intentions 
Patience is challenged and leads to a stow.

Intelligence becomes your enemy
Where faith needs to replace that trait,
Put your hands together and pray
Your hopes will eventually arrive as calmness  shall stay.

Avoid gossip
That causes danger and possible confrontation,
The harm caused, clearly is never good
From where their is a beginning in God; 
that is the prayer we end up.. and eventually should x x 

Saturday, 19 December 2020

You never leave us

When all comes short
You see life through
You are your champion 
You are the reason you imbue.

Defeat never a option
A smile is never to face
You hold my waist, the perennial embrace.

I love my life and my world
I love my God so much 
I shall never lose focus 
And I shall never lose touch.

I want the world to fight through this 
Difficult when negativity surrounds
There are words of protection 
And humbleness that mounds. 

You see the light... when it fades

You cannot leave reality 
You cannot lose the love of faith 
You cannot control others when they are strong 
You lead to where we eventuality belong.

The light is there
Believe it, it’s the truth,
Focus when eyes are closing 
Never lose hope when you feel life is refusing.

God has hope 
And God has your back,
Believe it or not humbleness is there
There are angels surrounding, because they care.

Praise and love of faith
Are directions we never touch 
When love is powerful and so... so held 
This time of year we refuse to felled.

Friday, 18 December 2020

When hope arrives

Never have we seen a year like this
A year of pause 
Delivered from a harmful cause.

If we pray
We could never leave, 
It’s due to the fact 
There is hope, and you shall receive.

The season of entire change 
We could never believe the times that came ahead,
People we have lost and cannot hold close
and there are those who survived the most.

We are moving forward 
We need to do this, as others lost would want us to continue to go on;
There is hope with prayer through the frosty glass we stare
Hope through praying, as we shall pull through this unknowing glare.

Everyday we are blessed

Everyday we are blessed
Praying and hoping 
Looking towards a beautiful zest.

Praying for calm
Praying for the light from peace 
And, praying for all to be ok
And humbleness to steer goodness our way.

Being responsible at times where there is speed,
Calming the down vigorous pace 
Reduce the velocity we don’t always need to constantly face.

Remaining humble 
Remaining bright
Focus on God and his story 
Staying blessed, through his perennial glory.

Never lose hope 
Be patient, yes? Be still
The release of the Father in your heart.
Glory to his kingdom,
He loves you, that shan’t part πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Can’t change anything

You can’t change anything out of your control,
Turn a negative into a positive 
As these times shall eventually go.

We’ve encountered speed from machines 
Questions also about God,
Yet he is the cornerstone to remove the devils kill
Your humility is forever surreal. 

Be blessed with his love 
Pray more, especially as times have changed
It’s a mental togetherness, refute anything to make you feel deranged.

Be nice to others 
Take your time when things become alight, 
You are loved by the Father in heaven 
Who looks at your openness, as well as broad minded flight.

“A message for me as well as for you”
13th December 2020 x 

Defeating a gloomy day

The Weather is pretty naff outside,
Walking to manage headspace and feel alight 
I don’t need to be frustrated 
This poem shall cheer your sight.

A day at a time 
Nothing lasts forever,
Keep looking forward and try,
Even if you fail to do so, raise a smile
A better antidote, that lasts a while. 

A year to forget
A year which has brought massive change,
Praying to the heavens for things to go back to the ways things were once in the past,
This new normal will change again... that won’t ever last.

We are resolute 
Striving to keep trying,
Yes, there are times you question it all?
Keep moving forward 
Rather than building yourself a brick wall.

Yes, it’s been strange
To say in the least?
Remember to keeping praying 
This isn’t a repeatable message, as motivation needs to keep on staying... πŸ™πŸ½❤️X

Love my wife

I love my wife
Divine is her name
I prayed for this beautiful soul
Especially when god answered this leap of faith
Moving forward, defeating the devils wrath.

Love this lady
I’ll hold her with stunning light;
Humble, beautiful and my desire
My heart booming so much 
I am blessed with her humility and glorious touch.

God holds us close
The one who pairs the people he feels,
My love for my wife is the cornerstone which is surreal.

“Love you Divine my saviour”
Love your hubby Jason 
13th December 2020 x πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Thursday, 10 December 2020

If you worryπŸ€”

So worrying helps??? 😧
Or is that proaction that turns wrong into right?
People worrying all over the world;
If that energy is converted into some viewed
You shall enhance an element fluently imbued.

I see worry all the time
It’s a strain on others soul,
You can’t do anything, and nothing you say makes that person feel better..
Sit down and write, and put your thoughts onto a letter.

I release with poetry
God provides me with this gift;
Protection from others who do not know where to turn 
Humbleness of kindness; refutes you to receive a burn.

I love you, lover, sister, brother, friend, father and mother too
I pray for you each single day,
You have gifts which God relayed your way. 

I love you
I may or may not know you, but I am here
Loving the Father of true hope
With him you shall never need to hang onto a frayed rope.

“God bless you all” Jas x πŸ™πŸ½❤️
10th December 2020

Leave it in his hands

Then you will receive, 
May not be today, or tomorrow,
One thing to discern, there be no sorrow.

I pray each day
God is the real deal,
Pray with all your heart and soul
Refuse the negativity fallen into the mist
He is always there... working through everyone’s list.

Don’t take my word
When all fails, turn to the Father,
He is the start and the end 
A beautiful spirit I prefer to depend.

Nothing is straight forward 
And yes nothing is easy. We can accept when all things are going right
Slate, anger and hurt never wins 
A prayer to the Lord is the victor; over sin....


Haste before speed,
Easier said than done
We have machines, to make us act quickly
People are rushing, and speed has become prickly.

The chaos is evident 
No patience, especially from where I stand,
Am I being rude? Where the impact will evidently land.

There’s peace in silence 
There is hope, with abundance to gain,
Why the speed of life has hit us
Where I prefer to stay still , rather than get hit by a bus.

There’s no fire without water
No stone goes unturned,
The balance in life always has its challenge to make
As long as you pray for a moment, there’s nothing else you need to take. πŸ™πŸ½


Who would imagine what has happened this year
A scare amongst us all, which we stand up to a new fear.

We pray to God
We pray for new hope,
Others scared to touch the ones they love
Heavens open up to come towards 
The ones lost, the sadness falls.

The calmness of peace
We all deserve at the least,
Yet this year has caused an awake
We stay United, and never break.

Festive tidings to one and all
Believing in faith, we shall continue to walk tall.
Never lose hope despite what this year has thrown,
As tide is turning from the challenges which we have been thrown. 

Wednesday, 9 December 2020


We all have joy 
And we all have pain
We all need salvation;
Where simply there is to gain.

I pray for perennial love 
I pray for ultimate hope,
I pray for the belief that you have in you
Follow your dreams; they are there to achieve, now go off to pursue.

I pray to forgive yourself 
I pray that we can’t be hard on ourselves, all of the time..
I pray for the passage we read
Where the bible opens up, and where we feed.

I pray love has no colour 
As people fall for each other and rejoice;
Like I said before there is perennial hope
That’s why God gave you a voice, never to elope. πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

My Thea *MND Poem

My auntie passed away many years back
A humble lady
Her focus inspiring and never lacked.

We all still miss her each and every day
And your quest to run for inspiration;
God bless you my friend. Now continue to run through determination relay.

May you be held in light
And may the prayers keep you strong and thoroughly aligned,
You are a humble figure, simply looking out for a great friend 
Your guile is unquestionably brilliant 
Determination which we all prayfully state is resilient. 

Run with strength
No pain no gain,
May the heavens hold you very close
Rob, your inspiration, especially when you need friends in the most. 

“A poem for Andy Sinfield, 7 marathons in 7 days... bless you buddy”

Monday, 7 December 2020

Praying when I run

The clock starts 
It’s the beginning, and never the end
The blood starts pumping 
You goal is sent through to the finishing line
Blood pumping good energy, and that you reach a divine. 

The blood flows 
I pray for my trials and the gains,
Even for my enemies, the ones you would refrain.

The breathing is heavy
The energy remains in the blood;
God is your protector 
The pounding steps of going faster 
You reach the end, through the Lord the laster.

The goal is in sight
Broken, I no longer more;
The transience does not equate from the breath I release
Prayers through the sky in the least.

Hope in giving.

There is hope in giving 
There is hope in living,
There is hope in smiling 
Not a stained look; or looking towards demising.

Keep praying
A place worthy of staying,
Hoping with prayer coming through
The power of grace is said with in the clue.

When I provide a person food..
Caring is humbling, so why would you be sued?
The love of God is where we need to look
The guidance comes from Christ, empowered through his book.

Held through love
And humbled through prayer;
Put your hands together 
Believing is the road we share.

“Giving and living πŸ™πŸ½“
Jason 7th December 2020

Friday, 4 December 2020

Strength within

Sometimes you doubt
Human nature does that to you,
Some more determined and go into things blind
Others controlling, and feel they have to mind..

I run in the morning
Dark, wet; and the circumstances unsure
Yet through these challenges I overcome obstacles 
Seeing the end insight, there is always hope, humility with light. .

I pray during my run
I don’t stop and do the best I can.
The heavens await, as one day we shall all go home
Praying and believing, like new air we are constantly breathing.

Madness, or eccentricity for what we want to achieve,
Running in the dark from the air which is filled with hope,
God is forever calling, in times we have never seen before,
There is always hope to aim 
From the determination through God’s calling 
Objectives to continue and never stalling.

“My run in the morning.. thank you Lord..πŸ™πŸ½❤️“

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Prayers for all..

When you pray.. you stay 
And then you move closer to hope 
Rather than be cynical in current state.. yes there is pain out there
But we need to look towards Gods humble fate?

It starts with Faith up high
A prayful message; never passes by,
Hold your hands together and simply pray
It’s that easy, negativity shall eventually go away.

The cosmo, the stars, the solar system and the moon...
The places on this earth, we stare at when life appears bleak,
There is a God in heaven 
Whenever you look.. and to seek.

With prayer comes love
With hope there is light,
I write these words for me as well as for you
Glory to the Highest power 
From humbleness we seek and refuse to scowler. 

“Felt low before writing this, I am blessed for the Father to provide me with this gift and hope.”πŸ™πŸ½❤️

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...