Friday, 24 July 2020

End of the week

for some of us is the end of the week
hooray, it's Friday's 
As we attempt to come back to some type of norm
well done for what you have achieved, and providing excellent form. 

Even if you have struggled
the next week will serve you well. 
Nothing every day will be perfect 
but you are humbled and praised,  and most definitely worth it. 

Working from home? on site? or in a shop? you have done well. 
these are unprecedented times from this story I pray tell.  

Keep on going, 
you are all that very good, 
finding a way through  to make these times work.
humility and worthiness from the good work and kindness which you show, 
Praise you good people, your efforts shall continue to grow.

"Have a fantastic weekend" Jx 

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