Thursday, 30 July 2020

Caring shows the greatest strength

Do not become too distant to feel harsh
don't become too soft, to leave yourself to be open and become hurt,
Praising the King for these signs
Balance in Love is what should become kind.

I’ve cared and been hurt
Haven't we all faced that during a conjunction, 
especially from those who call themselves family who said they would be there
yet the reading of Matthew, chapter 5:44
provides you strength, so much more. 

If he is for us
then who can be against?
We have all faced struggles and yelped that 'G' word, 
Yes? 'G' could stand for anything, 
yet for me, it stands for the Father, who turned light from the dark
humbleness with goodness thrown in, never so stark.

I pray to the Father each and every day
I praise for his humility, kindness and love, 
"That leads to survival" others MAY say
Yet my faith in him touches my body, spirit and mind
attributes I crave in abundance, and fully in lined.  

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Your dreams are just dreams

Your dreams are only dreams because that is what the word defines, Looking to the light of the son of man, from the place we wish not to hid...