Sunday, 26 February 2017

Same paths different outcome

You been where I've been 
Yet the results may have not always been the same.
You followed the logical route, yet I went wider than the normal domain.

Did I do wrong?
Or did I do right?
Or did I do what I felt at that time?
Others advised their logical right
Yet you are the person, fighting the fight.

Other shall judge or even condone 
I have made ample mistakes. Suffered, yes I can duly say.
Look at the bigger picture which will show you are standin...Especially at the end of the day.

To say I am a fool
Then that's entirely your choice..,
Are you helping? Not always, as you are expressing a voice.

Encourage people when they are at their lowest ebb
Hold them tightly and try not to make the situation worse.
Love and encourage, humility from this verse.

Bless and words of encouragement 
(C) Copyright

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