Sunday, 26 February 2017

Changing moving.. holding on

The speed we go at
The patience we sometimes lack
Yes there are times to be responsive 
Yet the balance still lacks.

Rushing like the wind
And have strength to lift the weightiest of weights
Yet rest and peace have there place 
Yet all or nothing can cause harm...and avoid embrace. 

Why so fast?
Why so hasten with the demands of life?
Yes, life has changed at a rapid knot
Why not be proactive to attain balance in what you now have got.

Be at peace with your body
I may contradict with the next act I deliver 
All or nothing with the wind of the speed
Balance in mercy, you avoid in your attempt to avoid to bleed.

If you see me play sport I am a surgeon ready to clinically (and slowly) dismantle that game.
Merciful and destructive yet humble from the energy I contain 
I am not fast nor even slow. 
You can't bully me to that corner. as I am strong.'
Balance your speed as we aim to avoid to do any wrong. 

I'll say yes or no from question quickly delivered 
Why rush your spirit as others have there rush
Be at peace. Learn to retain strength each passing day 
The world will contribute to challenges whatever spiritual path you take. 
The elements from the balancing  equation is that you avoid to break.., 

Jas xx
(C) Copyright 

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