Thursday, 28 May 2020

Refute Negativity

For those who think negative say that they are real
I tend to pray to slay their toxicity, therefore I feel I've become surreal. 

Attacks surround invisibly, delicately and through aggression 
pray for them, they are far more lost unlike you and I 
Money isn't the incentive 
Their well will soon become dry.

If peace comes with hope
and noise is the favored friend, 
I suppose as long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone in that moment in time
the stepping onto the next stage soon becomes sublime.

If Social media if  used correctly is the way forward 
where gossip can lead to any form of woes, 
highly paid commissioners justifying their cause to turn into a statutory state,
we will find peace in God, if you allow him in to protect the capacity you possess, that is what I rate.

People calling others “weird” because they do not understand the circumstances that person enters in,
As long as you do not harm others and pray at the time, then that refutes further sin. 

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