Friday, 1 May 2020

Do you remember?

Do you recall the time I wept with total fear 
You brought me a cup of tea, a muffin 
My tears removed, as you showed me the art of care.

I remember the times when you listened to me on the phone, when life wasn’t worth bearing,
You showed kindness and grace, beautiful sharing. 

You gave me hope when I thought I failed life,
Never forget the great person you are 
I now start to believe I can go that little bit far. 

Thank you, I never forget that God gave me you two to share, 
Giving me hope and a new sense of direction 
Despite all the years which have gone by,
This poem arrived through a calling from God to humble me still, 
This gratitude is genuine, yet so surreal. 

Jason x 
1st May 2020

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