Thursday, 28 May 2020


We have been put into a position 
To prevent a spread,
Listen to guidelines from government and health
Which should be processed and then led.

As long as we stay safe
Then that is key,
But can’t you sense an uncertainty 
Where you feel less free?

Is this a sign of the times?
Or will we laugh at this in a few years from now?
We have faced an ordeal 
in the attempt to make us scowl..

But I will say this.... 
As I would like this said to me too,
Needing to step up is key 
For I won’t let this ordeal ruin me. 

If the facts takes this life who has written these words,
Focus on the greater good and calm we seek to find 
The past chaotic behavior is defused 
bringing us back to become much more kind x.

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