Sunday, 31 May 2020

When he speaks!

Whatever you see 
Whatever you do
Whatever you comprehension 
God can bring light inside of you.

Saved or receptive?
The feeling could be the same,
Allow him into your hearts 
The positivity you can never refrain.

Love to release darkness 
And light to fulfill the cause ,
Heavens above to the almighty
His beauty is something you should never pause.

Pray for happiness
And pray for a better life,
Pray for the humility you possess 
No more ego eccentricity needing to be apart of, or contest..🙏🏽❤️

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Miles apart but not for long

We are coming home 
That’s why we fear the Lord, 
Knowing we have direction to face
This is a spiritual movement 
No embitterment, no fall from grace.     

I recall saying goodbye to my Yiayia
And then struggling to find my way, 
There were prayers to the Lord 
Being honest, humble as the Father never went astray.

I write this for my Nan (Yiayia)
Yet I write this for us all too,
There is no magical ingredient 
Prayers do not arrive that way
As long God is calling us,
Then the humbleness shall captivate and stay.

Love is kindness 
Love is powerful and for all to reign in,
Dislike a situation, then put your hands together 
The Fathers calling is the only way. 

Refute Negativity

For those who think negative say that they are real
I tend to pray to slay their toxicity, therefore I feel I've become surreal. 

Attacks surround invisibly, delicately and through aggression 
pray for them, they are far more lost unlike you and I 
Money isn't the incentive 
Their well will soon become dry.

If peace comes with hope
and noise is the favored friend, 
I suppose as long as it doesn't hurt you or anyone in that moment in time
the stepping onto the next stage soon becomes sublime.

If Social media if  used correctly is the way forward 
where gossip can lead to any form of woes, 
highly paid commissioners justifying their cause to turn into a statutory state,
we will find peace in God, if you allow him in to protect the capacity you possess, that is what I rate.

People calling others “weird” because they do not understand the circumstances that person enters in,
As long as you do not harm others and pray at the time, then that refutes further sin. 


We have been put into a position 
To prevent a spread,
Listen to guidelines from government and health
Which should be processed and then led.

As long as we stay safe
Then that is key,
But can’t you sense an uncertainty 
Where you feel less free?

Is this a sign of the times?
Or will we laugh at this in a few years from now?
We have faced an ordeal 
in the attempt to make us scowl..

But I will say this.... 
As I would like this said to me too,
Needing to step up is key 
For I won’t let this ordeal ruin me. 

If the facts takes this life who has written these words,
Focus on the greater good and calm we seek to find 
The past chaotic behavior is defused 
bringing us back to become much more kind x.

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Put your faith first

The line I am about to say
Isn’t to tip you onto the edge,
actually I am thinking of you 
This is from where I pledge.

Have faith in you
But do it with prayer,
Life can become so attacking 
I pray by having the Fathers backing.

Whatever anyone says
You are good in the Fathers eyes.
Haven’t we all sinned 
The aim; never to demise.

These words flourish and come from the heart
At least they are encouraging and not putting anyone down,
Take homage to your feelings 
And make sure your feet are firmly on the ground. 

“God bless you all...”

Saturday, 23 May 2020

You never know

Matter of fact
That’s the truth 
We are no longer calling from the top of the roof.

Their is peace 
And there is silence,
Yet times have changed 
You are humble
You have never been strange.

Be open to your heart 
Be open to what you think
There is a balance
And tome to contemplate while you blink,

You are at peace
When you receive God,
You do your best and become bold
This is a story already told.

Friday, 22 May 2020

So I have faith?

Accept me for who I am
and judge not for what you do not understand,
I have a story too
this is my life, would I detriment you?

We are all different
yet judgement surrounds,
your perception of me is none of my business
Do you need to judge? or rather stand witness?

If love is the creator
why is there dislike?
Tell you why, I prefer to stay humble and driven
you can be polite as I feel blessed when heading towards heaven.

If positivity reigns
then return back the negative partisan politics that is often portrays,
I suppose acceptance in faith is a stronger way and does capture love
humility balances arguments, where derivatives can often budge..

Thursday, 21 May 2020

What you’ve given to me...

I can’t thank you enough 
For all that you’ve done,
When feeling protection 
I know you are the three in one.

Attacks received, and you’ll be there 
Hurtful words from enemies aimed to offend,
It’s you Father, the one that I depend.

Always feel loved 
As prayers are released from my mouth,
You are the one who takes the glory
This isn’t just a mythical hymn to crave 
Nor am I feeling angered or enslaved.

I can’t speak higher of the Father who lovingly gives
Whatever you think of these words, there is love for you,
Accept his presence, you’ll never go back
The love that’s provided, are scattered seeds and openly divided. 

There was a time

There was a time I felt undeserving
pained through anguish through others hurting. 

Then the day I met the Father
who said "I am here"
"surrender to me, for it's true for who they say I am".

I now walk towards him
I know that's the best path to take, 
I pray and leave it in his hands
and through that he would never fore sake

These are simplified words 
as the quest for we are coming home,
we are not angry anymore 
as we look upwards, towards the fathers throne. 

You can feel the undeserving
but through his eyes that is not the case, 
as long as we love him
Then we shall enchant through his glorious grace. 

"Love from the Father." x

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

The little things

The little things you ponder 
During times of challenge,
The silence of humanity has entered a change
And yes, we haven’t experienced this before 
We learn to move forward forevermore.

A new change in pattern 
A new normal has arrived,
Sadness for those who haven’t made it
And hope to those who have survived.

We now appreciate past values
We appreciate each other’s space,
Avoidance in rushing 
This is real and I shan’t be hushing..

We aim to aspire hope
We aim to support others needs,
These are moments of focus 
These are times we see the world in a different light.
Pray for the strength to reign true
This won’t go away soon, yet we shall overcome the challenge we ensue.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

The speed of our hearts (health poem)

Sometimes laws to ourselves,
Impatient in some situations
Laugh at something cruel, and then perhaps kind 
We are a complex bunch, that’s what I tend to find?

Wanting things straight away.... 
As technology has speeded our hearts,
Can’t we live in a balance within this pace
Any place....

God remains true 
God holds you close to his heart,
Whatever you believe that’s the truth 
Humans perplex the situation
Like causing pain, just like extracting a wisdom tooth.

The health we possess is temporary 
We can only do our best to refute any delay,
As long we can balance out patience 
Then other things are calmer... needth anything else to fray. 

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Questions each generation

Generations arrive 
Generations go
Learning about the stage you reached in life,
Be bold and be humble 
You are not on this earth to ever stumble.

And if you stumble 
Then learn from those times, 
Don’t beat yourself up
There are others to do that to you,
This is your life to explore
Remove negativity, from this I am sure.

Understanding reasons why specific words are said?
Listening to the views of others taken on board
Moving forward against any untoward.  

People are more open 
Yet generations need to understand each other,
There are prayers for each of us... sister and brother x.

Never lose your hope

You can be naturally positive 
You can also fall short from where you want to be...
There is light from darkness 
The latter is what we ought to see.

Faith is there for you to hold
If you fight against the highest power
There’s no point, anger is removed and love wins
No point fighting, his love is supreme.

Who do I live with when I lost hope?
It wasn’t the devils activities 
From there I would excavate the stope.

Bring on the happiness
Bring on the joy,
As long as the poetry flows
From there I shall deploy x x

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Learning from what's happened.....

When all what has happen is forgotten

And none of this is new,

We will look and learn

And perhaps understand what were the signs, or the clues?


A wake up a call is mildly said,

This invisibility foe can come from anywhere,

But with faith you are blessed

And humanity is there to share.


We are an email/text or phone call away,

People have started to encourage and care for one another,

No point fretting what’s been done

We need to keep moving forward

That’s the part to stay as one.


Never give up hope

There is no point in feeling that way,

As long as we support each other at times of need

We shall embrace each day, just like the scattered seeds.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Stay at home, don’t stay at home🧐

The message is clear?
Stay at home and do the right thing, 
And then you receive mixed messages..
What do you want me to do? start a new career and then start to sing?

So what am I suppose to do with 12 hours notice?
Listen to contriving messages, stay at home or not?
This isn’t an equation
Or perhaps it is? Guidance should be generally clear
In this case are we meant to be fearful, or bold? 
Come on, you are meant to guide us! no less clarity from which we were told?

Yes times are strange 
we will get there with a bit of nouse and awareness of support,
Yet the message from Sunday was so unclear 
Do we? Or don’t we have anything to fear?

So am I staying at home?
Or are we not doing anything at all?
We now face a new normal whatever that means,
Words made up through political uncertainty
Go on make your minds up? 
Or does this sense has any adversity? 

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Recapture focus

We have methods to regain our way
Some do sport
Some drink to excess 
I prefer exercise, that I must profess.

These times are reflective 
Humble, wholesome and captivating too, 
Write a journal
Learning something new
I go for a run to manage the strain, yes! That’s my clue.

I often pray
Keep my hopes up high
Refuse to give in
This pace shall soon subside.

We can’t do anything else
Comply and holding back
Some need the chaos to spurt their sails
Harmony shall eventually prevail.

Saturday, 9 May 2020

A prayer a day

A prayer a day 
Is here to stay.
Think about it? 
Praying for someone 
Is a help to you too
You are providing kindness where you want to ensue.

So pray
It’s the only way,
Here for the goodness it brings 
A simple deliverance where psalms from the book, sing,

Never say no to this offer
It’s the only way forth,
It’s calm, it’s powerful and it’s Gods word
None of this is ever perturbed.

Praying doesn’t pick on others 
It works for each of us to rejoice,
As long as we pray together 
Then avoid facebook, that doesn’t have a voice? x ❤️🙏🏽

Friday, 8 May 2020

More durable than you know

You can only go forward
Never back...
Despite the negativity sometimes said
There is humility that can never be fled.

What can you do when facing the odds?
Keep moving, and moving more 
You are humble in spirit 
And the drive is forevermore. 

When pushed against a wall
What can you do?
Be angry and refute to attack?
No point, be proactive,, you’ll never slack.

The drive when I run I say the words “push, push”
We are human, people that feel, love, touch and crave
This is more than the cress of a wave. 

“Peace with God and peace with yourself”🙏🏽❤️

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Morning brace

Started the day with a morning run
Not too far 
But enough to feel like the endorphin fun.

Went back home 
Did some weights 
I am no Arnie, or Stallone... 
The positive energies removes any lagging drone.

No politics or that kind of chat
I am into lifting weights and staying trim
I am not into racing,  you know? That kind of win.

Aim to stay focused as others shall try to rile you drive,
Thank you God for I am humble, for that makes me feel alive.
Keep on moving and focus on the good things that lay ahead
Do it for the Father, yourself and enjoy the quest 
In your heart, God knows you have the zest.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

There was this guy called J

There was this guy called J
Who had this diabetes condition that wouldn’t go away.

He learnt his art well
Avoiding stressful people, which they could tell...
His temperament quite forthright 
As dramas were often loosen, and a little bit out of sight.

He injected and exercised 
And did the best to learn this skill,
Guess what got in the way?
The confusing types that debated and caused a debacle kill...

His energy was strong 
His performance to point, 
Yet his emotions when sugars were low 
Never helped, but he did well to take the blow.

He tried to never entertain drama 
And often misunderstood through points he would make,
His clinical decision could lead to a heated debate.

Yet give him a chocolate bar when the pancreas struggled to produce..
And there were the enzymes that never broke sugars down
Yet with a constant smile on his face, his face would never drown..

“For us who live with a condition.. minute by minute, second by second and analyse the food we eat and exercise through the heat of the beat.” 🙏🏽

Saturday, 2 May 2020

When faith is required

When faith is required
 but we are often bemused,
And this is when God is often accused.

The numbers show signs 
But we need to keep on trying,
Tears kept for afterwards  
As now we are constantly sighing.

You hear the sounds which makes this beat
People working out their systems,
This is a time to reflect, 
as generally we want to deflect.

The speed of life is not always required
We have turned into machines with speed and reaction,
This time is to stay still and frequently pray
One thing for certain faith shall keep us at bay. 

That CV word...

Roses are red violets are blue
It appears this government don’t have a clue?

Opening hospitals, 
Looking at targets instead of folk
People staying home, yes some are kind of broke.

But we need to move forward,
What else can we do?
Mope and feel sorry for ourselves, this isn’t just between me and you?

So keep your spirits up
Obvious words relayed 
Probably like most people, no technical language to further this masquerade.

So where did this poem start. Ah yes, violets are red Boris wears blue
As long we can have a drink out in public,
And yes, we don’t need to stick like glue. 

Another poem about that ‘thing’

Friday, 1 May 2020

Do you remember?

Do you recall the time I wept with total fear 
You brought me a cup of tea, a muffin 
My tears removed, as you showed me the art of care.

I remember the times when you listened to me on the phone, when life wasn’t worth bearing,
You showed kindness and grace, beautiful sharing. 

You gave me hope when I thought I failed life,
Never forget the great person you are 
I now start to believe I can go that little bit far. 

Thank you, I never forget that God gave me you two to share, 
Giving me hope and a new sense of direction 
Despite all the years which have gone by,
This poem arrived through a calling from God to humble me still, 
This gratitude is genuine, yet so surreal. 

Jason x 
1st May 2020

One thing for certain?

Let us focus one thing at a time....
Learning through these moments 
Dwelling or acting in times of peace,
Going back to a ‘normal’ life 
Is the balance we look to cease.

We can only evolve in times of change
And this change has been quite something else!!
Acknowledging you are not alone and there are others who care,
The morality to keep moving 
Never lose faith, praying will guile your soothing.

We will eventually get back to normal
That is for sure,
Knowing this experience has humbled us to put others first,
Times when speed was once everyone’s friend..,/ xx
Now we are calming down, that’s what I need to depend. 

The more we have, the more closer we are less  content
Having lots of things to raise a smile, 
Times like these leads into calmness and mild.

Diabetes stigma

Perhaps it’s because I am sensitive Perhaps it’s because I am outspoken and in-tuned, Perhaps the hypos are getting on top  and others ask q...