Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Be the best you can be

You must believe 
You must learn the light leads the way
Prayers, hopes and dreams 
Sadness has no place to stay, only self esteem.

Positivity keeps the game alive 
Negativity has no place in our hearts
Gods calling is the way forth 
Money, consumables do not buy happiness at all
Often these concepts shall eventually lead  to a stall.

Love thy neighbour 
Love thyself, regardless what others think 
If your life hasn’t panned out the way others think you should be,
Leave them to their fickle ideas 
The world awaits your kind to blossom and be free...

You never know what will happen next 
Others will try to control you and they will deny they don’t,
The positive message to take away is that you are beautiful humbled, lighten and loved
Look towards his lovely kindness 
That shall never entice any blindness x x

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