Thursday, 23 January 2020

All Shapes

We are all people who are capable to love god,
Reject him or love him
The father will hold you tall
His sheer belief in you shall never lure you to fall.

And aspiring 
We are children of the higher power 
Never lose hope, climb the tower. 

People will care 
People can also say nasty things 
People are sensitive 
Yet it’s joy in the heart which the lord shall bring.

Believe these words or not 
Humility is never aimed to tie an knot,
All types of people which he adores 
Hence the perfecter and constant push for hope
His love for you is held by the sternest of ropes x. 

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The world is full of differences With shapes, sizes, colours and cultures Aren’t we meant to embrace? and avoid actinglike vultures. Don’t t...