Monday, 16 December 2019

Would be so proud...

I am proud 
You did so well,
You are a much Better person than me...
You organised, recited and aimed for humility for all others to see.

This poem is for you
You should be so proud,
Clearly hard to achieve
Yet your yiayia now in heaven, and always believed.

Your words exulted 
Your destiny to find  this balance is refined
You are humble and humbly kind.

Peace in your heart 
Your nan would be ever so proud,
The essence of this memory is a testimony to you
Gods humble grace shined a light on thee
Your yiayia is now in a humble place, and so so free.....

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Stop chasing

Leave it with God and simply be bold If you don’t believe in him, then I can’t tell you what to do; Free will in life we all have the option...