Tuesday, 3 December 2019

The Continuing Battle.. diabetes story

Look at me 
And a person with diabetes is the last person you would think,
Yet inside my body I crave for a balance 
As I must look to faith and never sink.

I need insulin 
Do you know what that does? 
It breaks down sugar to release energy to survive,
Sounds quite simple in theory
Yet challenging maths can never be contrived..

Then there is life 
The place we all belong,
Living with an auto immune condition 
Can easily go wrong.

“Living with diabetes is easy” people say 
Of course it is, you calculate everything you want to eat
As long I believe in god and stay humble
I overcome any personal defeat.

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Stop chasing

Leave it with God and simply be bold If you don’t believe in him, then I can’t tell you what to do; Free will in life we all have the option...