Monday, 2 December 2019

Life.. the ultimate question

People judge, 
Those that do that often don’t understand any other way, 
It’s ultimately gods decision which has the final say. 

We get judged for not having a family
We get judged for living the life we choose to live, 
We get judged by couples, stating being in a relationship is the only way,
I rather be on my own... why? People can be complicated, thereby say I nay. 

God gives us free will
God gives you the hope to be the best person you choose to be
If you pray for kindness, love in gods beautiful words which he say,
Elevation hope shall make all things okay. 

If you recall these words with hope 
“Your perception of me, is none of my business”
You will need to read the above to try to find what it means, 
It states your negative opinion means nothing
Yet in gods eyes, you are worthy and something. 

People can be the lover and hater of one another
So be kind to your friends, mother, father, sister and brother, 
You are never alone, so being single is how we end
There is a second coming, that’s where we transcend.

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Stop chasing

Leave it with God and simply be bold If you don’t believe in him, then I can’t tell you what to do; Free will in life we all have the option...