Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Yiayia (Nan in Greek)

My Yiayia, a delightful warm kind soul
It’s been a long time since she’s been gone, 
Sometimes when I am surrounded by chaos, 
I know she would remain calm and avoid making you feel loss.

If she was in charge of this world there would be no wars, no unnecessary arguments, who was a fun, kind and a warm  soul
There would be no gossip or vexatious words coming from her mouth
She would deflect nasty remarks and make you a cup of tea
Times so rare, she would make you feel free.

In a world where patience is lacking 
My Yiayia was balanced and avoided any conflict to destroy,
No dramas like most people release today 
She would make you feel attained, and make you want to stay.

In a world that’s impatient 
In a world where calm is so rare
Yiayia, my friend, my grandma, my confidante and my pride
She was the pure essence to capture my soul 
as well as many turbulent blows,

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