Saturday, 24 June 2017


Poignant to you 
and poignant to your life 
Strength arrives from up above
Gliding like a wholesome dove.

I cannot cure your problems 
I can only listen with patience and intent
These are gifts from the higher being 
Words to comfort you and which are humbly meant.

The world has changed
Impatience surrounds us more than ever,
Yet, sometime impatience has a place
Only to prolong life, to refrain the damaging pain..

I don't care for hatred 
And I don't care for unneedy rush
Patience is a calming tool
Helps you deal with the irate and the un-cool.

Peace and balance 
Energy and light
Makes us focus on what is true
Rather than wallow and make you feel blue.

"God bless and move forward. I need to hear these words from time to time too..."

(C) Copyright 

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Higher power

Believe it or not The higher power truly does exist, Especially when you can’t comprehend, the heart of God doesn’t dismiss. Say your prayer...