Saturday, 17 June 2017


It's not about me it's about you,
Do you think I have all the clues?
I do have philosophy 
And I am filled with grace
This world comes with humbleness
Is a far better place.

Love me for me
And I shall love you for you.
Biggest question to accept,
Yes, it's avoid us feeling blue..

Do I want to go out and party?
And embrace the future we live
Looking to the glory of happiness and joy
Whereby, Peace on earth is a delight
Not this speedy trait which  has no calm
Balance which is held within your palm.

Bless you my dear
And bless you my mate
The works has plenty in store
Like a much welcome plate.

I wish I can swipe the difficulties ahead 
With a brisk effective wand,
Yet in the mush of all which takes place
We play our part for what we face.

J x

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Higher power

Believe it or not The higher power truly does exist, Especially when you can’t comprehend, the heart of God doesn’t dismiss. Say your prayer...