Wednesday, 13 January 2021

You can ponder? But why....?

Never a solution for what I see,
Dragging out a conversation... when there are nonsensical traits?
I rather see the solution which raises a smile 
Instead of  “what will be, will be..” for a while.

Politics needs its place to solve a chaotic state,
Yet again Faith in God keeps the evil tyranny at bay
Toxic conversations I rather turn my ahead away.

We live in times where gossip is a trend
Vexatious languages of others, you know? Looking to offend.
So keep still and say nothing 
Just get the job done
Pray to the Father daily, that’s where I want my sun?

Hope and peace in a world where chaos is everyone’s friend,
Wind up merchants and fly on the wall,
Attempting to refute you, attempting to make you stall.
We need love and hope, fun and tears to mend these challenging times
Where there is salvation, there is always hope,
Or would you prefer negativity dangling from a frayed rope?

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To start

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