Monday, 6 March 2017


Try everyday 
It's as simple as that
Yet life gets in the way 
As I want to avoid being a brat.

We are all good people 
And we need assurance from time to time 
You are a "good, beautiful person.. "
trust me people are keen to knock when in your prime.

We have all made mistakes 
And some of us have lied no end
Yet moving forward 
Is the only thing you can depend. 

Your day could have been good
And on occasions your day could have a daze
We are all on a journey 
And yes you may reach an untangled daze...

Love is love
A Brace of hugs we all need so much more,
Forever in harmony. 
This life should never rival 
Elements of a unnecessary survival.

For Rachie Rach xxx
17:36 hours

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