Saturday, 18 March 2017

Love and respect

Be calm with your mind
Put chaos and drama in its place
Take hold of life and be still
These are emotions we all feel.

Love and respect those you care
Learn to be fair
Anger shall play a part
Avoid aInflicting thoughts 
Live life and deliver the good you feel you have taught.

Look to the skies and embrace humble love 
Be kind to your heart
And capture power from the soul
Be at grace and learn to be whole.

I may not know you
But I will learn to love your state
I shall care and provide peace
You deserve that.. at the very least.

If you want answers 
Then I shall provide my hand and a warm hug
If I can take away the woes of the world, I would do my best
Yet from my humility and foresight to will
Life... it's meaning... has a great deal.

(C) copyright 
22:12 hours

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