Monday, 27 March 2017

Try to be there

I lurk in the shadows
Meaning I'll try to be there
I care and love you 
As your humility, I want to share.

I crave for excitement and I crave for peace
The love I have for you shall never sway
I may be distant at times 
Yet in my heart you are never at bay.

Bring out your best and capture your goals
What may be absurd to someone may be your destiny
Capture the brilliance you possess
As you shall elevate to become your own best.

Never let anyone get you down
Fight, fight and fight until no end
The other persons rifts will never get you down 
Illuminate your gifts and turn them glory
This is why this poem aims to end in a happy story.

(C) Copyright 
J Andrews
16:38 hours 

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