Monday, 27 March 2017

Try to be there

I lurk in the shadows
Meaning I'll try to be there
I care and love you 
As your humility, I want to share.

I crave for excitement and I crave for peace
The love I have for you shall never sway
I may be distant at times 
Yet in my heart you are never at bay.

Bring out your best and capture your goals
What may be absurd to someone may be your destiny
Capture the brilliance you possess
As you shall elevate to become your own best.

Never let anyone get you down
Fight, fight and fight until no end
The other persons rifts will never get you down 
Illuminate your gifts and turn them glory
This is why this poem aims to end in a happy story.

(C) Copyright 
J Andrews
16:38 hours 

I Pray

You may not like the first word I use
Yet it's a beautiful word where none of us lose
So pray for happiness
And pray for a beautiful life
I pray for humility 
I pray to avoid strife.

I pray for forgiveness
I pray for righteous peace
I pray to love one and all
Even if the vexatious cause carnage at the very least.

I pray for love
I pray we are at peace with god
I pray for a spirit which comes with calm
I pray for people who release banter do not come to any harm.

I pray for all religions 
As we all need to follow our own path
We need to find what works for us all 
Love in paradise shall precvent a fall.

May peace arrive in spirit
And that these words rightly touch
The meaning of all life's journey's
We are allowed to make mistakes and learn
Those who remind us of our fault 
Clearly have done everything perfect,
For they do not need to be taught!!!... amen

X x 

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Mothering day

A mothers job is never done
The joy of seeing their child flourish shall have challenges yet enter into fun. 

The day belongs to the mothers 
Those who have devoted the best energies to making it work
When the chaos begins and the time goes slightly berserk.

Their love is unrivalled and never detached
The job of being mum can be unpredictable 
And marginally unsight
Yet the love for their child comes with balance and almight.

I can only empathise to a point from the words which I have wrote
As learning to do right from wrong has no clues
Yet the prospect of mothering Sundays 
Is a message from a mothers child... yes, from me to you...  

Happy Mother's Day 
22:35 hours


Monday, 20 March 2017

Never Alone

We arrive into this world alone
And hoping we hold someone's hand.
Ask yourself this, do you take them with you?
Or do you go somewhere alone?
A place where we can do anything 
And work out a happy home.

The journey never stops 
No place for complacency to be affirmed
We work together in hope and harmony 
A place to work with guile and grace 
There is always a time and place.

I may not be here 
But you are in my thoughts 
I can only pray hard with strong will
For me... brother and sister you mean a great deal.

Never will I leave you
Even if I am not there
The work comes from you to decide the next step
A place I discovered which brings peace and calm
As we as individuals can be fighting a concussive fight
Yet with love introduces a spiritual might.

06:06 hours
(C) Copyright 

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Love and respect

Be calm with your mind
Put chaos and drama in its place
Take hold of life and be still
These are emotions we all feel.

Love and respect those you care
Learn to be fair
Anger shall play a part
Avoid aInflicting thoughts 
Live life and deliver the good you feel you have taught.

Look to the skies and embrace humble love 
Be kind to your heart
And capture power from the soul
Be at grace and learn to be whole.

I may not know you
But I will learn to love your state
I shall care and provide peace
You deserve that.. at the very least.

If you want answers 
Then I shall provide my hand and a warm hug
If I can take away the woes of the world, I would do my best
Yet from my humility and foresight to will
Life... it's meaning... has a great deal.

(C) copyright 
22:12 hours

Monday, 13 March 2017

Hope and Light

One day at a time
That's what anyone of us can ask,
We move forward 
Aiming to avoid finishing last.

We look to the sky 
Aiming for an answer to rely
My point is, as long as we are all ok.

Kindness in heart
Calculating in business 
Love to those you are less fond
As long as goodness is there
We all aim to go beyond.

A hug shall always be there
As long you know how to share 
A memory shall elevate an emotional path
Bringing happiness and to avoid any wrath.

Love is love
Hugs will capture warmth
As long as we unite with an array of hope
We shall continue to climb that eternal rope. 

Monday, 6 March 2017


Try everyday 
It's as simple as that
Yet life gets in the way 
As I want to avoid being a brat.

We are all good people 
And we need assurance from time to time 
You are a "good, beautiful person.. "
trust me people are keen to knock when in your prime.

We have all made mistakes 
And some of us have lied no end
Yet moving forward 
Is the only thing you can depend. 

Your day could have been good
And on occasions your day could have a daze
We are all on a journey 
And yes you may reach an untangled daze...

Love is love
A Brace of hugs we all need so much more,
Forever in harmony. 
This life should never rival 
Elements of a unnecessary survival.

For Rachie Rach xxx
17:36 hours

Sunday, 5 March 2017

What not was

We see others and the cards dealt appear better than yours
"Knowing my luck" runs from the mouth 
As the short straw is a chore.

I love my life 
Despite the knocks I have received
I could also be to blame 
Yet moving forward is the key.

Make life yours to own
People will advise and may make you feel secure or not.
Yet in the moral of your journey 
There is no place to feel got.

Love, strength and power attribute the path you face,
As learning from the glory has a time and place. 
I love you guys and I love my journey too
Yet mistakes will happen and learning shall evolve
As long their is a problem there is a situation to resolve. 

22:22 hours
(c) Copyright 
J Andrews 

Wednesday, 1 March 2017


Today we accept 
more than we did before
Stigmatism is becoming less and is a little less sore.

There will always be an "ism" or words to that effect 
Yet we are striving forward 
through challenging times we detect.

Race is uniting 
Sexuality is more accepting
These are times which have been fought
Through the stigmatism, we could have been taught.

It was once said "there will be no black or white people to see"
Seriously??? what problem would that pose?
This means we are getting rid of the bigets who are annoying and need to flee..."

We grow each day
And this world shall never be perfect 
Yet the souls that aim harm with narrow minded thoughts 
Do not belong to this world that we all live
I shall fight those with words of passion on why we all need to rejoice. 
Hence to fulfill this world, we all need a far positive voice. 

(C) Copyright 
20:02 hours 

As long you are happy

Happiness is a movement which makes us feel alive
We learn to be positive yet sometimes the balance does not strive.
Some have parents who speak because they THINK have been to your place before
Yet your journey may be different as your answers may not be with your parents any more.

Be happy
Strive to the goals you aim to reach
If others laugh, then in diversity remain strong and learn from what you find.
You are no weaker a person if you are looking for a sign..

Some have calm parents who are their children's best friends.
Others are slightly challenged and do mean well
Yet their impatience
May be the story they need to tell.

Be kind to your heart
And avoid those that you think are good for your soul.
Sometimes that's the hardest thing 
As life has no where else to go.

Smile and do good to others as they do good to you
Pray for a minute or more, embrace the goodness to enter your life,
Live in kindness and love more to the humble shores 
Speak to each other with banter thrown in
And touch the spirit within 
Depending if you allow that path to enter in!

A Smile raises other smiles,
Yet sadness maybe a place you feel
Yet with a hug of warmth that you hold,
May you face life,  which come with challenges and forever enter into the bold.

J x
(C) Copyright
12:49 hours

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...