Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Never enough hugs...

Never enough hugs
Where is the next?
Arriving today? Tomorrow or the following year?
Never too soon for those emotional bursts,
Like a empty vessel... Really and full of thirst. 

Hugs are the antidote of all that is good
To be able to express those traits
Shows a sign of warmth, kindness and grace.. And guess what, those hugs puts you in a better place.

I know when I refrain from a hug I get told "that's wrong", yet with those arms embraces around a loved one you may want to depend, there is a telling message waiting to send.

A hug shall deliver the message of love
Even if you feel low and waiting for a message to lift your spirits high,
There is one thing for certain...
A hug shall balance the harmony you look to attain... A simple hug, is all that we are looking to gain x x

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