Looking to the light of the son of man, from the place we wish not to hide.
Be at peace with all
Even in their chaos, that’s no place for you,
The arms in the air of raucous shouting
That’s a release, that’s all.. nothing else is surmounting.
Look to the light when rain is pouring
Ignore others opinion if said in the view of ‘tough love’
Look to the skies where harmony falls
God is closer than you think, nothing else could endure you to stall.
You are no lesser than the seasons flocked into one
Your mental stability is always challenged as I pray niceties last only for a period of time
It’s God’s path which is realistic and divine.
Dreams are just dreams
“Wouldn’t it be nice?” That’s often said
Pray to the kingdom of God, as dreams are placed in the mind in the time to go to bed.
6th March 2025
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