Tuesday, 4 March 2025

My diabetes story

I don’t need your “ahhs” when my sugars drop
I want you to give me a cube of sugar, or a boiled sweet to rise them back up
Each day suffering from a hyper or hypo causes challenges to interrupt.

I don’t need to hear “poor you” then assume others can cope better because they have the same type 1 condition 
We all face a different battle, where others are in other battles of rumination.

The condition is tough
People are often on the edge,
All you ask for is a little consideration, that’s all we pledge.

The mental and physical battle is one of a kind
The eyes and feet are infected, yet discipline we learn to confide.

The mental struggle is strange 
And often my psyche is deranged,
The road can be short or perhaps long for us type 1s
One thing for certain.. we aren’t having fun!

“Living life as a type 1 with diabetes… and the people who piss you off…”
4th March 2025

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My diabetes story

I don’t need your “ahhs” when my sugars drop I want you to give me a cube of sugar, or a boiled sweet to rise them back up Each day sufferin...