Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Visibly Invisible

People do judge, and what do they achieve?
So I had a drink and didn’t know it would take me to this place,
Then there’s life to endure, despite what that brings
I need God first, as the drink loosens the mind.. so you then beginning to sing…

The pain is Invisible but visibly you cover the scars
The limit of addiction is so blinded, 
What can you do? Feel unsighted and cry?
At least you are taking the first step, and wondered how you got to this place to where you fry.

People struggling and think no one cares
Perhaps your family are not there for you, and you feel you are holding onto a cliff
Do I do the ‘12 steps’ or read the serenity prayer?
The journey can be long, or short, these are powerful words to openingly share.

I feel invisible but I am a visible soul
I won’t ever leave you my friend, as connection won’t let go.

These words are real, honest and to the point 
I often say a prayer, and unsure where that would lead
I am visibly invisible, as you start again by planting a seed.

“Battles with addiction”
22nd October 2024

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