Monday, 21 October 2024


‘Snooker loopy’ came into prominence 
Steve and Dennis contested the world snooker final on the final black ball
The upside down glasses sunk the final ball to bank £60,000 too and made the ginger magician stall.

There was boom, boom Boris 
Whose serve blasted him to an amazing Wimbledon title at a mere 17 years of age,
He leaped here and there to the ball which became an asset to capture his wage.

England boasted one of the best football teams in the world 
And would be able to match any other international team,
Yet it was the likes of France, Germany Argentina and Italy who won the major tournaments as part of their countries unprecedented dreams. 

The Brixton riots took place in a time of austerity 
People hurt through race, anger and a lack of hope
Remember God’s calling refuses you to dangle from a rope. 

“1985…. An interesting  year…”
21st October 2024

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