Sunday, 13 October 2024


A new day, my loving Grandson
The time has passed but I am still here,
The world stills continues, and one day we shall see each other for a coffee, rum or beer.

I am proud of you,
I am looking out for you everyday,
God is focusing on you too, my words always remain alive still to this day.

You are my grandchild 
A man who is now walking this path in this life,
A humble man in Jesus, who has partnered through the Father’s divine.

Thank you for being you,
I am always here to say hello,
It’s never a goodbye my friend and my grandchild
The path you walk is towards your new home… heaven… you shall be at peace and never at all riled.

“Clive my brother, a poem from your Grandad🙏🏽”
13th October 2024

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