Thursday, 12 September 2024

When you leave people

When you leave people, there is a reason
So you look towards hope,
To the father, the three in one
The only calling that you need, and the balance waiting to come.

There is a time and place
Ambivalent messages said to provoke the mind,
Those people I rather be distant with, and say nothing to, that is the peace where God can make you find.

People could gear for a debate 
In some senses that could be healthy, or in others quite wearing,
“Chat, chat and chat” I rather not hear in the essence where issues in the mind may cause that bit of fearing.

Stay with God 
Stay with conversations for where you don’t over speak one another,
Not my form of communication for which I need in my heart  
God has the answers, that’s where I choose to start.

12th September 2024

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