Sunday, 8 September 2024

A jokey poem

When you heard the words “always look on the bright side of life”
Then there is hope when others attempt to bring you strife…

You tend to hear those words:”Don’t listen to me, I don’t know what I am saying”
Then again you can ignore that remark and instead have a couple of beers,
At least you can be merry and work through the 1980s music that made you have a laugh and also bring on a few tears.

I see the world for what it is 
Look at it with anger, or self doubt, I lift my spirit by taking the piss.

I don’t care for the “don’t knows” or pay checks that once sustained my merger life,
I rather have a fun comment to hear to balance the others who wanted to wind up and cause that little bit of strife.

There were fun words that may be filled with expletives 
Crass comments and politically defeatist.

At the end of the day
We are hear one minute, gone the next,
Have a laugh, at least once a day,
Tell the serious ones…to go away🤣🤣🤣.

8th September 2024

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