Monday, 9 September 2024

Meeting good people

People like to help
Or you would like to think? 
Then again the purpose of life is to live and learn
And argumentative conversations which I rather defer.

Forget heated debates
I couldn’t give a damn about those political views,
I rather talk about sport and aspirations, and the aims to pursue. 

We are always learning 
Throw in a comment to turn darkness into light 
You are never truly alone, as reflection of humour over comes the fight. 

People’s speedy thoughts can cause an irrational view
Common sense always prevails, where lies can make you blinkered and feel awfully blue.

It’s about good people
And the paths we look to take, 
You can be someone’s well wisher, as distance can be a well needed break.

“Inspired by my friend Ben… thanks brother”
9th September 2024

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