Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Reflective season

Some seasons are calm
Some are quite intense,
Some are uncertain as there’s reasons to stand on the fence.

Then again standing on the fence isn’t part of a prayer request,
You are in it with all your heart, otherwise the purpose can lose its tense 

There are people who get you
There are close ones that won’t,
As long you pray to the Father, the silence will turn into rapture
And then the Holy Spirit shall let you capture.

The light will shine
You just need to believe with your heart and soul,
The power of prayer for an eternal season shan’t ever go.

Remember you are loved 
Remember there’s a Father in Heaven who genuinely cares,
These words a simple instrument from the father in heaven who has always shown your share. 

19th June 2024

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Higher power

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