Monday 17 June 2024

Looking at the Father in friendship

Looking at you
You are truly blessed
Yes, we have all fallen down
yet through the Father he refuses us to at all drown.

I am pleased we are blessed
Yet the road is a little long,
Holding back a little, guarded hearts to avoid feeling brittle.

You are special 
You are kind and  can never be weak,
Stay with the Father at this time to pray and act
The path afterwards is where the Father wants you at.

Be strong said in 1 Joshua verse 9
My eyes is looking over you, I promise you shall be fine.

Tomorrow is held in hope 
Rabbits are survivors, they never tire.
Look to the kindness the Father shall bring 
My friend and my sister, the Father’s got you…through the great news he reminds us to sing.

“Deborah all shall be okay… you know this always🙏🏽”
18th June 2024

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