Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Are you sure (Stoic Diabetes Poem)

It’s a condition you need to be methodically sure
Along with calculations and that little bit more,
Then there’s the impact people inflict on us
People who say they care, but not when your blood sugars are in a bit of a flush.

We get angst
But at the same time need to keep it calm,
The condition which flusters and can cause a slight alarm.

Then there’s those who ask you “are you alright… are you sure?”
The decisiveness of this condition is what is presented to people like I,
Yet our health outcomes are multiply different as controlling we need to rely.

You need to be sure
You need to be clinical, because this what we live with minute by minute and hour by hour
The assertive approach we need to attain by the delicate need to rise above it and then devour.

“Type 1 diabetes.. you can’t be unsure… you need strength… through prayer we can get there…”
5th June 2024

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