Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Has it taken this?

Does take a human travesty 
To release our humanity to be nice to one and all?
We live in times of debate with no solutions 
Is this where you want to jump towards a fall?

There were days when people would rush 
No patience, bumping into each other, and speed is meant to be their friend?
Yes we need stress sometimes 
But patience is really what you look to depend.

Never look away from what this has taught 
That time we needed to stay home, chill and reflect,
Simple things during times machines have become more of our friend,
Humanity misinterpreted with wants, wants and more needs
Yet the chaos leads to mistakes, not referring to scattered seeds.

You move forward 
You learn from this time we needed to play our part,
If you say “I don’t care it’s my life”
Then I pray for you more and more each day
This is a valuable lesson for which patience needs to stay.

“Patience is something we all need to learn, how can we encourage our future if we can be patient for ourselves?” 

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