Sunday, 1 January 2017

Continuing to move forward...

Pow, wollop a new start has arrived
Yes 2016 had its setbacks 
Along with those no longer here
We all need to strive and keep their strength alive. 
We will move forward and attempt to strive. 

I say those words with humbleness and grace
Now we have to look to the future
And enter into a far better place.

The world does not stop because life hits us hard.
What else we can do? Find a solution rather than the problem it pertains... 
We are looking onwards and upwards 
In our quest to become contained.

We smile, we laugh 
These are areas we must embrace 
Sadness has its place but the grin turning upwards avoids actions of haste.

2017 will reap the rewards from the efforts each of us shall put in. 
Looking to the future with many stories to unfold... life simply does not stop, even from this poem which I have humbly told... 

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