Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Out of sight

When you shall keep people out of sight and out of mind
Does that mean you are being distant disrespectfully? No you are just safeguarding to stay kind.

There are people you need in your life
And others that you need to forget, 
May the eyes of God be prayed too, for that moment you look to reset.

People can be difficult
They all came with complex emotions,
Some people you thrive towards because they are bright and cheery 
Others are contemptuous and need to hold off because they are dreary.

Stay with God
He is your judge jury and rectifier,
There are good people out there who humble your heart and admirer.

Some people leave 
And some people stay, 
May God hold you close when you look to his repair
May you guard your heart close, as the Father is always there.

25th February 2025

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Restoring and adoring

You pray It’s better than gossip, Chaos needs to be put aside,  I prefer to speak to the Father to confide. Yes, talking is healthy It’s a w...