Friday, 28 February 2025

Don’t be too hard on yourself

Don't be too hard on you

As your heart has a life to pursue.

There will be wind up merchants

You need to spot out,

And their cunningness is not worth pleasuring their fickle shout.

You need to be kind to thee That's easier said than done, 

The world is beautiful, yet not everyone focuses on God through his perennial son.

You need to see how great you are, through the eyes of God 

And there is that spiritual awareness to get rid of all the other sods.

It's not about me, me and me

It's more connected towards we, we and we. 

So don't be hard on yourself 

You are better than that,

Try to pray for deliverance from where you are looking at.


1st March 2025

Put that time aside to speak to God

I prefer to be with God
To pray, to have that little time removed away from chaos which often brings bad news,
Yet why do we do the latter which often bemuse?

I set aside my time with God
Speaking positive and praying for those who are excitable and do overwhelm;
I know this is a broken world through the moments that I rather not realm.

I speak with him with my faults
No gossip, which is often fraught,
To simply be kind and show a light
Set aside the moaning, which I don’t need to fight.

Remember you are never alone when you set aside quality time with the Father,
Would I prefer negativity to reside? 
I remain with God instead, that emotion of love I rather fall into and to confide.

1st March 2025

Don’t be too hard on you

Don’t be too hard on you
As you heart has a life to pursue.

There will be wind up merchants
You need to spot out,
And their cunningness is not worth pleasuring their fickle shout.

You need to be kind to thee
That’s easier said than done,
The world is beautiful, yet not everyone focuses on God through his perennial son.

You need to see how great you are, through the eyes of God
And there is that spiritual awareness to get rid of all the other sods.

It’s not about me, me and me
It’s more connected towards we, we and we.

So don’t be hard on yourself
You are better than that,
Try to pray for deliverance from what you are looking at.

1st March 2025

A speaking to B

‘A’speaking to ‘B’
You are such a good cook, 
but can I help you when making dinner? Or you don’t need me? If so, I can sit here reading my book.

We have been friends for such a long time,
Do you recall when we first met, on that beach in Jamaica drinking a rum and coke
As we got tipsy while in the sea got us soaked.

And do you remember when you invited me to dinner? and you forgot to make the salad before we were about to dine,
You made it so quickly as the rest of the evening turned out perfectly fine.

“Thank you to ‘Outside edge”, a great session during relapse prevention therapy. ”

28th February 2025

Am I alone or not?

Never alone 
Despite what others say
I have peace in God, my prayers shall never go away.

You don’t have to be a ‘type of person’ 
Simply just be you,
He accepts you with all your faults and brokenness
You are no less or more a person in Christ, or anything else when you confess.

The verse is.. you are never alone
Refuse those who say: “ah poor you”
They can’t do anything, just ask them to pray
That is more comforting, which is a spirit coming your way.

I believe in God
I believe he loves you,
No point speaking politics or that sort of thing
Politicians shall find a way to philander, 
As no mind will be served to or to pander.

28th February 2025

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives
Others will try their best to rile,
They will smirk with a passive grin
To their surprise they are falling into the Devil’s bin.

Yet you wish them well
Because you are humbled by God’s grace.. and true,
The mirror in front isn’t lying to you.

You are you
They have chosen for who they want to be,
Reflections of positivity comes from the Father, so pray and see.

People will criticise
Rubbish your name, especially when you are down
Be kind to yourself and their heart, despite them acting like the clown.

27th February 2025

Love language

One day I look to seek the love language that someone shall get
Then again, I am very complicated and sometimes need to reset.

I am fiery but can also be patient
But I do try not to lose my temper at all,
Actually to be honest, I am quite light minded but often have falled.

I love to love
There’s no place I rather be,
Get through by the grace of God, at the point I am able to see.

I live to say those three special words 
And when I say them they light me up,
I can never feel those words are not ever enough.

I have been broken, spit out and chewed 
And indirectly insulted but I know my Father in heaven wasn’t amused.

So as I express my love to a place I rather sit and hope
I know there is a Father in heaven who is dangling down a rope.

27th February 2025

When the thoughts flow

Speak politics?
Or of the higher power which is here,
All of this needs to make sense; or could the answers be way over there?

The heart grows
You learn to accept yourself through peace of mind and brokenness which occurred,
You didn’t expect the latter to happen, despite withholding and the possibility to be disturbed.

We as humans can often hold back,
Some think this is a good thing to pertain,
I let it show, it’s from the moment God is inside of me from where this feeling sustains.

I speak quietly my humble truth 
They are after all my opinions, which I refrain to refuse.

Be true to thyself
Do not hurt, or cause harm to a foe that’s done wrong
My heart belongs to the Father, from which the passage I follow shall forever be long.

28th February 2025

Wednesday, 26 February 2025


It’s never easy
But you must try,
The system is different out there, as the past needs to stay where it is as time does fly.

The moment when you have been broken
And restoring is the part where you have awoken,
You pray
Perhaps go to the gym?
Sing a song to a glory chanting hymn.

Life is progressive
It is until the end,
No point moaning what you can’t do, concentrate what you can…
I am a fan and routing for the future, from which I am a fan

I am a child of god first
Broken, and eventually restored
There is a world out there, waiting for you to explore.

27th February 2025

Why we pray for each other

Praying for you
Significant and worthy
Refuse to hear the negative as you are a child of God, the highest of the high
We breakdown, restore and release the cry.

Not knowing!
Scared to take a risk?
Accepting the Father should be part of that list.

You are you
I am I,
It’s isn’t about me, me and me
There’s a world for you to see, see and see.

Stay blessed
And thank someone for a blessing received, because it’s a act of kindness
A pray for you should not be dismissed and never treated as blind, nor less.

27th February 2025

Restoring and adoring

You pray
It’s better than gossip,
Chaos needs to be put aside, 
I prefer to speak to the Father to confide.

Yes, talking is healthy
It’s a wonderful release,
But speaking about the son of God 
You realise there is hope and more than just a prod.

We have all been broken
No you will be awoken,
Look to the Father, the way forward
Not that fickleness that’s untoward.

You have come to the end, well? That’s what you think
God has your path to lean towards, trust me you won’t sink.

Today it’s raining
Tomorrow there is light,
The love of God will possess their struggles, but it will soon be bright.

26th February 2025

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Try it… pray to God

There are times of breaking
Moments you wonder where the answer shall come from when craving.

Pray to the almighty
It’s free and it’s comforting to the soul,
May the Lord enter into your life, as he has figured out your path when you go fast.. and then go slow.

I find praying to God comforting 
Especially when people bicker amongst themselves, and then their children see;
Grown ups can also be like children, so praying to the Father I choose to go inside me.

There are great people all around,
Taking accountability through the hearts that confound.

Pray to the Father 
He is always there,
Get closer by reading ‘the word’
If there’s a passage you don’t understand, don’t be angered nor disturbed.

Love is God
And hope is love,
May the angels surround you for ultimate protection 
“Love you my child” the Father would say
His devotion towards you shall never go away.

25th February 2025

Craving for that drink

I am in my room wanting that drink
I am thirsty so I have a coffee instead, to quench what I think.

I wondered what brought me to this place 
A place when one drink wasn’t enough,
Life takes twists and turns and you end up feeling that little bit rough.

When you are young you recover so quickly
And perhaps go to the gym and afterwards look great,
Trust me as time goes on there is a struggle in store which leads to an alternative fate.

‘Euphoric recall’ try to avoid
This is your life, which is precious and never be toyed.

People want to go that ‘extra mile’ to get that ‘hit’
I pray you manage that chaos which you confront 
As the money you earn can quickly go.. to be perfectly blunt.

25th February 2025

Peace… and being kind

No money on this earth can buy you peace of mind
You need stability and the discernment of humility to find.

Be kind to all souls
Your spirit should never be self righteous or rude,
You need to see there are other people on this earth and not just you.

The walk we all face is different with no prediction 
No matter how controlling you are
The passage you walk is God’s to say if it should be short or far.

Enter into surroundings which comfort the soul
Do not entertain discussions that bring you to a challenged place,
Peace of mind is invaluable and has a valued base.

25th February 2025

Out of sight

When you shall keep people out of sight and out of mind
Does that mean you are being distant disrespectfully? No you are just safeguarding to stay kind.

There are people you need in your life
And others that you need to forget, 
May the eyes of God be prayed too, for that moment you look to reset.

People can be difficult
They all came with complex emotions,
Some people you thrive towards because they are bright and cheery 
Others are contemptuous and need to hold off because they are dreary.

Stay with God
He is your judge jury and rectifier,
There are good people out there who humble your heart and admirer.

Some people leave 
And some people stay, 
May God hold you close when you look to his repair
May you guard your heart close, as the Father is always there.

25th February 2025

Monday, 24 February 2025


Why do bad things happen to good people?
I honestly don’t know the answer,
But I pray for your recovery or stem the impact that you face
I genuinely pray to God there’s no further impact incased.

You are right… it’s horrible what people are confronted with
Through, health, economy and mental fragilities we face daily,
I pray to God first, these concerns you face rids through the storm
I can’t blame you to be angered, that’s not strange from the norm.

Why I do ask if diseases impact a good souls life
We feel helpless and strangled and against the strife.

I know you are brave, strong and want to see an end
A less painful life, one that finally mends.

“God bless you all”
25th February 2025

Blessings Elaine

You are blessed 
Wonderfully created 
Formed by God, loved and ultimately rated.

Your patoi spoken entrance 
Brings forward a wonderful smile, 
You are a child of the almighty, that kindness shall shine for a long while.

Take homage my dear, this day belongs to you Elaine 
Words I shall not hold back nor refrain.
Blessed and highly favoured 
Your love through the Father is never wavered.

Enjoy today as it’s not finished yet
That cake looks so delightful, so deserving and rewarding,
May this day brighten your love
So Happy birthday Elaine, these words are more and all of the above.

“Happy birthday Elaine… God bless you xx”

24th February 2025

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Speaking to God each day

The walk you take
Won’t always be there,
Looking to God for wisdom, there is so much else to glare.

Where people come
And people tend to leave,
This moment of madness, God has got control, that I do believe.

I speak to the Father each day
Staying with him through scripture and prayer,
The Father isn’t far, he is quite near.

I suggest if you want to leave the drama and chaos behind
There is peace of mind through the spirit, where the eyes cannot see, doesn’t mean you are blind,

23rd February 2025

N Southgate

You are funny
Fast on your feet
You are quite gregarious and always want others to eat.

Then you talk about how thin you are,
Well that cannot be helped….at all
And there are those overwhelming questions, which is part of your wind up which I rather refuse, I recall?

You have a soprano voice when you say “how are you, my chicken masala kebab?”
So so funny, as I say just say “goodbye” as I refute your get into a concflab.

Not at all serious,,,chilled to the bone
And then remark you don’t know what you are talking about, especially when you are on the telephone.

Caring and loving 
And has done your best to make situations better,
You bicker about technology, as I agree with you I’ll stick to a handwritten letter.

“To me mucker and soon to be former landlady…yiphee Nikki🤣🤣”
23rd February 2025

We have all suffered hurt

Don’t tell me you haven’t hurt or been hurt before
You are no less in God’s eyes from pain that hit the core.

Mistakes happen
That’s part of the journey,
Your potential to help, is that kindness which is so worthy.

We have all hurt
Time to move on,
If you let it fester you shall turn weak and no longer belong.

Yet there’s a Father in heaven
One that loves you so much,
He surrounds you with angels who are ready to get in touch.

If you speak negative, then by means walk down that road…
It possesses gossip and fickleness, and turning your nose up when you goad.

Turn the other cheek, be your own example to shine
After all you are a child of God, the one who inside of you refine.

24th February 2025

Speaking it as it is…

Speak your truth
There’s always the aim to capture peace of mind,
You don’t need to be humble, nor you do not need to be kind.

Remember, the truth comes from the heart
Sometimes those feelings are suppressed,
That’s where we can become unwell, no more or any less.

We speak our opinion
Obviously we don’t look to offend,
Then again you are being honest
Where opinions are always modest.

Speak your mind
Seeing it from your perspective and simplistic view,
The light of God is always there 
Pray on the words first, discerning can lead onto what you shall accept to pursue.

23rd February 2025

Saturday, 22 February 2025

A prayer for Teresa

I pray for you dear child 
I pray that you are warm and that the light shines in your soul,
Yes, you have been crushed by life, but that soon shall go.

Believe me, the Lord has you near
You have me my child; there is nothing to at all fear. 

Thank you for being my child
I do not want you to feel this hurt anymore,
Just believe in me my child, you will be soon be no longer sore.

This is a prayer for you
No more moans or ‘this shouldn’t happen or that’
I believe in YOU my child, my dear Teresa 
The journey awaits my dear, as I refute anyone to appease you.

“Praying for you Teresa… words of encouragement and love”
23rd February 2025

Good family… and family that’s work in progress

Can’t see the wood through the trees?
It’s all about them, now your energy has deflected onto me, me and me.

People intentions can be good
Some can be wise, and have a father or mother to protect the future
Then there are ‘fight or flight families’ who lose that compassion to nuture.

You see.. me? I can really lose my cool
And just me I am not anyone’s fool,
Yet try as I must
There are Angels that I talk to (or not) through this journey which I do not trust.

I look to God because he is the ultimate and only one there
People will come and go, it’s not about me, me, me as I rather ask questions about them, and perhaps they will share?

Speak to God
Speak to salvation which leads the way,
It’s not always about going to church on Sunday, yet that can help when you decide to stay.

23rd February 2025

Learning each day

None of us don’t remain the same 
Emotions wonder as you refute to feel tamed.

We see the good in people
And humble our feelings when things go wrong,
There is a light we can see beyond, especially when there is the will to be strong.

Time can cause pain
But pain is temporary and shall not last,
I pray for you my friend as you shall never be an outcast.

Behaviour changes
Struggles shall always be there,
As long you say a prayer for you and someone else
The kindness of a blessing is always felt.

23rd February 2025

What’s going on? (Diabetes poem)

Constantly analysing 
What the f£#$k going on?
Going up or down, what else can go wrong?

Then there’s that thing called ‘people’
Who can give you stress,
They can f£&k off too, they add to this bloody mess.

There is drama and those type that don’t help
They can also f&£k off, as this hypo feeling causes me to yelp.

So I have this feeling, which destroy organs in the body,
The arrogant types can too f£&k off unless they want to learn,
I pray to God to take this away.. eventually , from where I am in this moment in life
As this f@£king condition causes a tremendous amount of strife.

“For those who don’t understand, I suggest you go on a D.A.F.N.E. or D.E.S.M.O.N.D. or even a carb counting course” 
22nd February 2025

Friday, 21 February 2025

Bottom of a cold glass….and the next line

Close to destruction 
Almost end of the line,
1, 2, 3 and then the 12th step
The journey awaits for you to reset.

A line of coke
Or a glass or two of sparkling white wine,
Both refreshing and hit a euphoric blend
These are not the answer.. so you are unable to defend.

The bottom of a cold glass 
White powder snorted to capture a fix,
Mindsets relentlessly elevated
Yet God restores the brokenness which isn’t captivated.

The story needs to turn to the next page
To work through the addiction until the ultimate end,
May God hold you closely and until you see the beauty in you
This page has closed now, blessings you have ensued.

“Recovering from addiction.. and seeing the light…”
21st February 2025

Turning the page

Turning the page
And find the next chapter which awaits,
Good shall come into it, as this is more than merely fate.

Take comfort from these words
The next minute you shall feel anew,
Prayers are lifted through the moment we imbue.

Life brings opportunities 
And some seasons you will face a tide,
Looking to the forthcoming moment discernment never hides

Bring moments for each passing day
Kindness and love is more than just an array,
And from the walk you take upon next
May God hold you close my friend, through the next step.

22nd February 2025

Not that far away

You are not that far from the moon and stars
You look towards God, that’s the place you shan’t be far.

You look towards the light or rain when falls
Pray to God first, the blessing is for you to call.

You aren’t far away from the light or the dark
You are no less of a person from this journey you embark.

Others will try lower your mood
Some think malice is joking and fun,
I know I am good with you Father as soon I hope see the sun.

21st February 2025

I had a breakdown… nothing to be ashamed

I had a breakdown 
From that there’s nothing to be ashamed,
And from where prayers are gentle blankets put on your back, from a moment you imploded and then inflamed.

You may face suffering
In the edge of defeat,
There is always an angel working with you
Your life is indeed valuable from where the light ensues.

Remove yourself from judgement
You don’t need their angst and intense rage,
Stay with God with this one, there will be a time the past will be a bit more distant and a haze.

I’ve been there
Broken, not sure what page to open or even turn
I just know only God has the right to judge me… from that point I shall discern.

“Mental health advocacy… no judgement 🙏🏽”
21st February 2025

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Time for change

Time to embrace the new you
Blessed in the hearts and rid what others had for you to stew.

Life is humble when you don’t think about ‘me, me and me’ 
Blinded by those who are self consumed and are unable to truly see.

Be polite to you 
And those who want to help,
This is a fallen enough world as it is
Pray for one another, that hope we can’t dismiss.

Stay with God
He focuses on the challenges you face
Don’t let the world turn you around, trust God to put them in their place.

21st February 2025

Why writing?

Writing is a lift
Writing is also a gift,
The art to speak on a piece of paper or on a digital form,
Is to express your feelings and avoid turbulence or storm.

I refuse debate
Doesn’t mean it’s wrong?
It’s an arena I rather not belong.

But there are discussions which need to be had
To solve a business issue, and stem the empire to go mad.

So I appreciate the talk needs to take place 
But you need to avoid the temper which filters haste.
The line of writing is key
This sets my genius to feel free.

Writing is my friend
It’s a safe space to sit,
The art of creative writing… avoids you and others to get hit..

20th February 2025

Leave the chaos alone

We need to look for the balance
Yet often chaos is what we look to strive for,
The anticipation of the extraordinary to crave
And then you look to your wallet and feel depleted like a slave.

So benefit of hindsight is what we face
A place of balance and the focus to discern,
Learning to progress, rebuild and learn.

Where God is always kind
And we aren’t always to each other,
Humbling your heart is difficult, especially where egos aim to overshadow my sister and brother.

Words can be clever
Words can also be true,
If someone is trying to take control of your affairs
Remember this! Take control of you, this is your life.. not their’s!

20th February 2025

Leap of faith

People take risks
For some it’s part of life,
Loving God isn’t a risk
It’s a life you wouldn’t want to miss.

A leap of faith
That moment when that: ‘thing worked’ and it didn’t make sense,
Accepting God’s calling
A new start through a moment we were continuously falling.

A chance to accept him in your life
And not blaming him for what happened in the past,
Reminding others what they did before
At the moment it was enviable the Father wants you more.

How can you lose?
How could you think of giving up,
He has got you, please say a prayer for you and I
The love from the almighty shall not at all die.

20th February 2025

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

To have this gift

To have this gift I have, I simply thank God
How can you conjure so many philosophical poems when the heart exists?
It belongs to God now, that chance I couldn’t miss.

I speak to you
People I know, and people that I don’t,
I love and wish you all the best
Where there is peace in the heart, from the point God knew what to do with you best.

Stay with the light
Stay with the sun,
Even if it’s raining, no shouting required
Only the Father who created you is to be admired.

Here is the sun
Here is the rain,
Here are the seasons we endure, embrace or find challenging within 
The gift of poems (and love) are the sounds that prevalently ring.

19th February 2025

Daily prayers

Life is complex
People have their views,
We are all learning from each other
Yet God is the one we should never refuse.

Discern and prayer
Staying hopeful through the light,
Humbling hearts refuting intelligence to show
Prayers and love is the way to go.

Say your prayer to start the day
And end it in the same way.
Minds are often fraught through overthinking 
Calmness, prayer, love and kindness shall stop you ever sinking.

Remember today shall soon past
Loving prayer comes daily and aims to continually last,
Never lose the sight that you have within
And that faith in God is not just ‘a thing’.

20th February 2025

Questions, questions and more of them

Why this?
Why that? 
I know we need to grow
But when you have or had a mental health break down 
These words can simply overwhelm and make you drown. 

And then is that word: ‘perhaps’
Please involve people who give a shit
As this messaging can easily get dismissed. 

The brain is fragile 
And people don’t always need to hear questions,
Mental health is an illness where there is limits 
Speaking is okay, questions shall evolve 
But mental health fragility is what I prefer to solve. 

Love those who tend to ask
That shall never stop, 
It’s just that when you are in recovery, there is a line of questioning that doesn’t help and has to decay and rot.

19th February 2025

How are you today

How are you today?
It would be nice if you said the same in return
But what matters most is that God is protecting from where I discern.

How are you today?
Yes you!
You are no less important than the moon and start when spirits are low,
Looking towards a path where you look to grow.

Some people are self consumed and won’t know how others are;
For me it’s how I would like to be treated, then again it looks like I am moving towards a star.

How are you?
I wish you a blessed filled day,
May the stories in your mind encourage and that positivity holds where you stay.

19th February 2025

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Staying focused on the goal

Mental health, is something we don’t take lightly
We have all been part of this chronic mental cage
Where we feel isolated and exposed on a stage.

Trauma hits
People can say the nastiest things,
Yes, none of us are perfect, yet words have consequences from what they can fling.

We live in homes where we can’t be ourselves
We live in an intense system, where economy and accountability slack
Our mental health needs leadership and support, through the cries which have caused cracks.

We are trying
We truly are,
We aren’t people looking to be victims to where things have gone wrong
I just simple pray for you, as I pleaded there is always a place you do belong.

19th February 2025

Hypos and hypers *life and time of a type one with diabetes

Imagine a life when you need to flow
Not to worry about the washing up or letting all theatrics go.

With diabetes you need to be a certain type,
You need to put things into perspective as hypos causes internal harm,
Just like falling of a cliff which isn’t what you call a welcome charm.

The eye leaking or the foot that needs in-depth attention,
And there is the temperament where you refute those who give you a headache but your sugars are all over the place…
Balancing life along with this poor low immune feeling,
There is the gym to regain focus, the auto-immune attack can send you a tad reeling.

To need to calculate injections and find out the ratios to consume food
And this natural pick of speed can have an impact on mood.

Things have progressed since 1922 when insulin was Patton and then inserted into the common man,
One day or bodies shall receive pancreas implants as this injection of insulin none of us have ever been a fan.

18th February 2025

Monday, 17 February 2025

Faith within you

The hope is there, so please pray
The path can be slightly bumpy, but higher power shan’t stray.

You may need a lift
A sense of confidence to lighten the mood,
God ensures you are never alone, so reflect onto these words as they are not aimed to be rude.

The guise is there
The prayers are said to rise our souls,
May the light of the world enlighten your spirit as forthcoming sights unfold.

May the strength beneath your fingers lift
The Father has provided you many gifts, 
So lighten the mood with a prayer for others to imbue
The light of the world is where you shall capture your fuel.

18th February 2025

Being me…

We are all so unique 
Some like drama 
Some embrace calmer 
Some do both 
Where minds are often lead to become broke.

Some like the creative word
Some talk football, which is the game of peace.. 
creative outlets that feed a famine and capitulate a feast. 

I love words 
I love to learn,
I love to remain with God
For he won’t forsake,
Like you, I have been on plenty of journeys, 
which has made me feel timid and unworthy.

I love to love
I love to be kind,
Yet I am hyper sensitive 
Which can make me tighten up and pensive,
I do believe in a higher power profusely 
Words I shan’t say at all loosely.

17th February 2025

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Wishing you a blessed week ahead❤️🙏🏽

A week starts
No misdemeanour need to take place,
Working endlessly until retirement hits our baize.

No longer as fast as you use to be, but that is okay!
Looking for answers to improve ourselves instead of moaning away.

Yes, speak the words, they do need to be heard and said
Perhaps things need to be picked out and managed, but at the end of the day you just need a comfy bed.

Be kind to you this week, through the up and coming weeks ahead
There will be boredom, excitement or a balanced amount of events to hold
Just remember, you are brilliant.. just be bold.

Today you breathed a sigh of relief 
Remember arguments aside, turn the page as the past you need to leave.

17th February 2025

There will be times

There will be times a thought comes into your mind
As you look to God’s help through a prayer which appears a little blind.

And when there are times you look to God’s answers when they are staring you in the face,
Because the business of this world engulfs speed along with hastes.

Today you are relaxed and humbled inside
God is protecting you, the arguments with your boss are superficial as ego collide.

You are you at the end of the day
God made you wonderfully, this is the path you ought to stay.

We work through egos, youth and elders trying to match an unnecessary speed
Yes, sometimes work does need to be done efficiently, but remember it’s God.. that you need.

16th February 2025

Saturday, 15 February 2025

I pray to God…

I pray to God for peace of mind
And remove the uncertainty that currently exists in the world,
I also pray for politicians to lead by example and offer us hope
Then again that’s a request to God’s to view 
Looking forward is the line we aim to ensue.

I pray for people's mental health to enter into a better place
I pray for people’s love in God shall be blessed and easy to trace.

I pray for others to embrace fellowship into their hearts
And that God is so real, and from that they follow this spiritual walk which is not at all dark.

I pray for others to show love
Rather moaning about politics and current affairs,
I pray for others to imbue as all this is temporary misguided and through the limits that aim to impair.

15th February 2025

Over sensitive

Over sensitive?
Is there such a feeling?
At one with philosophy, and a student studying through mindful grace
Looking forward to answers to enter in a trajectory place.

You may have angels to offer stability
And the people of wisdom to be the person they once were,
No more conversations now need to take place, therefore you shan’t concur.

Be at peace with you, and also with God 
as fragility is not far into the distant mist
I am praying to stay attained, as sensitivity is not easy to dismiss.

Over sensitive has its pros and also its cons
Stay with God is my way forward, the Father in heaven I know won’t forsaken nor do me wrong.

16th February 2025

Winning formula… a prayer

Prayer is the only way to grow
Spiritually growing is the essence like a river that flows.

And when I mean flow
I mean flow with all your heart and mind,
Jesus is the son of God, he overcame so you can seek the heavens to find.

The father heaven is there, believe it or not?
Personally we all need fellowship and avoid gossip, that’s a fools game
Humble foundation is what the father in heaven has captured and attained.

Make it a priority, gossip is futile and fickly fake 
Speaking about the father in heaven is the awakening we need, so we don’t forsake.

God is kind 
God is love
God is powerful 
And if it’s a service you need there is nothing better
Look to the father for guidance, hence why the Bible is also a source of a letter.

15th February 2025

Friday, 14 February 2025

A sporting mind

Look at the situation
You look to train to get the best out of you,
Or, exercise may not be your thing
Where the opposite side of the coin there is a chance of a breakthrough to maximise your sling.

You look to win
By lifting heavy weights or sprinting until your last gasp,
Fighting to the bitter end,
Or, not doing that so the results shan’t transcend.

Working out is the ultimate aim
Lifting beyond your deepest measures
And achieving goals spiritual treasures.

You do your best and incorporate the mindset to release dopamine from your mind 
Or do not test these waters, so high spirits are not what you find.

The sporting mind set vs the struggles of ‘not bothered’ of this anguish mile
I rather remain in the fight, which is a struggling battle shall not rile.

15th February 2025

There is always a hug waiting

You may not want it 
You may not choose it,
Yet a hug shall give you hope
And that the world isn’t always treacherous or on a downhill slope.

We all need a hug 
We all need a prayer,
Saying “aww” is a sign of concern
Yet through a prayer there is a lift from a place we can always discern.

Being philosophical is not in everyone’s mind
Some it comes with business or giving the utmost care for a poorly soul,
Through a warm hug plenty of pain shall soon go.

Always look to God 
Or look to a higher power to provide you a start,
Trust in his timing and great plan
by starting to believe through a prayerful stand.

14th February 2025

Thursday, 13 February 2025

You rest, restore and relive

Life, the ultimate mercy and grace 
Trials and tribulations we often endured and faced,
Some people protect us
Some people let us fall
Ultimately we look to God for answers to look and then afterwards stand tall.

I pray for you
And continue to go that way,
My perfections are brittle
Beaten to a pulp like a bowling ball crashing into a skittle.

We rest, stay still or look for distractions to get to ‘that place’
The eyes open tiredly, but restore needs to be put in order
This chaos we have entered into and the speed has formed into unnecessary disorder.

We look to our new life’s and seek God for a brand new start
Recovering, restoring and then reliving 
I pray for you to see God, where his son’s sacrifice was his ultimate giving.

14th February 2025

Lifted spirit

You go through a few seasons when lows are the permanent fix
You wondered where the laughter comes from to add that in the mix.

The other day I was sitting with a friend having a chat and minding our own business,
Then this flamboyant character arrived, which I am pleased I didn’t miss.

With dark skin and wearing a blonde wig
My face was trying to stay balanced as I had my drink to look forward and swig.

I stay humbled as my humour was starting to lift 
As my friend Brian was trying to get me to look at this character as the grin was a welcomed gift.

I then couldn’t stop laughing as the character brought out a side of me which I haven’t felt for ages,
Most of the people I surround myself now with are a tad faded.

This unexpected moment was so much needed 
It was so important for me or anyone else to have this feeling,
This medicine called ‘laughter’ and staying light
Removed the angst of this often negative world… as there was no need to want to fight.

13th February 2025

See me don’t see me…

Thank you
Yes, the reality is this is the end
But being realistic now there is a long way to go until I mend.

To be honest I felt safe and released 
I feel normal (ish) and don’t feel like a tyrannical beast.

I can say the ‘c’ word and hate the entire world
But I never said the later unless I feel physically powerful,
I train each morning so of course I don’t feel a total tool.

So many words said
‘Mimicking’ and being in a ‘triangle’ has been brought into the chat
As time has gone on, I know these are my feelings and I am not at all a twat. 

Thank you for saying ‘see me, don’t see me’ 
That part I am beginning to understand
As this journey progresses the journey shall remain progressive as I’ll make a stand.

“Thanks to Jo…..and my synopsis”
13th February 2025

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

A time for peace

A time for peace
A time for love
A time to say a few prayers, especially for those we struggle with
We look to the future as the past we shouldn’t miss.

A time to show care
A time to show consistency with this,
A time to bring out our best, and say how you feel without sitting on the fence.

A time to be left alone
And to be honest that’s how I truly feel now,
I need to read my bible to capture focus and ultimately strength
And remain attained by following the higher powers lengths.

This debating malarkey is getting on my nerves
As no more paranoia needs to be induced, as I prefer to stay with God and serve.

13th February 2025

The days that were

We relied on pen and paper
And emails vaguely existed,
We loved uplifting music and craft that was wonderfully depicted.

We watched the ‘Hawaii 5o’
And Blake 7, and loved playing vinyl on a record player,
And love was so transparent, and we hardly had a naysayer.

We lived to tell the tale 
We looked to make wrong into right,
Not like now when we can’t say what we truly think
As those times we laughed so hard it was natural to chuckle when we blinked.

We played music of a upbeat nature to lift our soul
Yes, things weren’t always perfect but we knew how to take control.

We watched ‘Sapphire and Steele’ and ‘The Avengers’ with Emma Peel and Steed
And we took life seriously but not to the extent we saw everything as dramatic, you know? That kind of need?

“80s, 70s and before… when life was that little bit more fun”
12th February 2025

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Birthday heights

Birthday greetings from this uncle who says hello
Happy birthday Julianna we bless you with the guise to mellow.

You are blessed, loved and totally great
May the Lord continue to bless you, with kindness of state.

May your day be heightened with love from all that passes your way,
God is magnificent and shall take you to a place, which is a kingdom to stay. 

May you be blessed
May you have a magnificent day,
May the Lord humble your heart and shower you with gifts which come your way.

“Happy birthday Julianna xx love uncle Jason”
11th February 2025

Fight until the end

Fight until the very end
God is transcending and the one whose message has already sent.

He will guide you
Make you fight, through the free will of choice
The diligence of hope comes with prayer and a voice.

You are never alone 
Our hands are right here,
These blessings are protecting you, with the aim to never fear.

Today you are unsure
That’s the journey you have entered,
The prayers shall be arriving your way, and are forever centred.

12th February 2025

May God hold you tight

May you be held
May you see a way through, as we are praying for you dear friend,
The spirit in the sky is protecting with a diligent defence. 

May you be held
May you fight until the end,
This is humility holding you close
The spirit filters in your heart, the ultimate most.

Please pray
There needs to be a fight until the end,
Thinking of you dear friend. 

Hoping you stay with us close
Lightening seeds and a new passage that holds you near
The father in heaven never wants you to feel alone nor ever fear.

10th February 2025

Monday, 10 February 2025

A birthday blessed

Birthday blessing Nadine 
God has given you sight,
With the father looking out for you there is humility and there is light.

Birthday blessing
Surrounded by sisters who love the Father more than words can say,
May the light of humility shine as a blessing I shall rely.

May God hold you close
And the doors open with God’s timing evidently there
The father has created you unconditionally and loves you with warmth and loving care.

A Birthday blessing
These words lift the spirit on this day,
This may be a belated birthday poem; yet the Father inside of you shall always stay.

“Belated birthday greetings Nadine xx”
10th February 2025

There for you

We are there for you
We care
We love 
And we shall give you a hug
The hope that we have shall never budge.

We want you to be okay
We are with you every step of the way,
Prayers are always there 
For where there’s hope does come with indefinite care.

We shall not leave you
Humbled and blessed, we hope you can move forward as prayers shall last
There is a team that loves you Kirsten, for which we know you have acclaimed and grasped.

There for you
Every step of the way,
Holding you close, even if you do like hugs or even don’t
One thing for certain is to ever leave you, that’s a definite won’t!

“Kirsten, we are there for you…🙏🏽❤️
Love J, Robbie, Yao, Hayley and Princess”
10th February 2025

Sunday, 9 February 2025

The one and only

Lord, you are the supreme best
You are the one who is spirited with might and fills our zest.

Lord, there is no one ever like you
You provide us with hope and lay down the discernment of clues.

Lord, you are the one and only
The one who created us and for us to never fill lonely.

Lord you are here, in the midst of any storm that arises
You are definitely our king, who tends to show us endless surprises.

9th February 2025

Reason for keeping distance

To avoid the feuds
The accents which can cause pain,
This poem isn’t angry, just the truth, nothing else I shall refrain.

I keep distance because that person shall only bring out the worse 
I rather pray for them from afar rather than converse.

The pain from the words have been forgiven and handed to god,
I am simply safeguarding because what’s done can’t be amended,
I am a child of the utmost king, who for me has defended.

It’s not about ‘I’ it’s about ‘we’
God has this covered, can’t you see?

Safeguarding someone’s argumentative views,
Doesn’t bring out my best personally, they don’t at all amuse.

Where there’s an act for every consequential action
I rather pray to God from afar,
The spirit inside us is looking to God’s light 
He has this debate covered, and better still he has insight.

9th February 2025

Staying with God

Staying with god heightens our love
Staying with the devil is fickle and is undeniably rough.

They say the two can’t go without each other,
The ying and the yang
I rather stay with God, the devil’s fate shall end with a ‘bang’.

The good is always required
The Devil’s antics, are they to be admired?

I fear not they have no place when we reach heaven
The rapture of the son of God shall soon arrive,
Like I said before, the devil through the father shall never survive…

9th February 2025

Diabetes prayer

Dear lord you do help us to deal with this curse
With no insulin through the pancreas ever produced,
As those red beta don’t release insulin for what we prefer to choose.

Then again we are fighting and looking after our nerve endings
We are Scientists that are partially and astutely aware,
The vitality of blood sugars is calculating carbs, testing bloods and then the injection to declare.

The day that we live I wouldn’t wish on the devil,
Especially when you have a hypo which waters the eye, or makes you feeling that you are falling
Then the number of carbs put in your mouth to prevent you from stalling.

The fact we are the ones in control when others can’t work out our maths
Then the equation we are implementing to make us safe and prevent a stumble
And as for the panickers? They can go away, as all we want is a sweet cup of tea to stop us to mumble🤣.

“Living the life as a type 1…. With diabetes”
9th February 2025

Looking down at us

The angels inside of you do surround
Yet you may feel the world isn’t round?
The feet lifting high
And the devils work is trying to make you cry.

The fact is the ones we have lost
Or thought we had?
God is the leader to prevent us feeling at all sad.

The angels are there
Walking every step that you take,
No matter what you are looking for? Material possessions or a diamond ring
The fact an angel is there, is harmony is for what they shall bring.

The fact is they never leave you
There are right here, in your pounding heart
The tears may arrive every once in a while 
The prayers from these angels is that the devil’s attack shall never get you to rile.

10th February 2025

When you look to gossip

When you look at gossip? 
I suggest you look towards faith,
And speaking of the Lord shows those words are very much a waste. 

I pray for your tongue to lose the mind of gossip 
And to speak of others is only acceptable with a genuine concern,
Talking about others for your own amusement 
Is a loose emotion which we could all resent.

The gossip is fickle
The lack of intelligence entered into the mind,
If you spoke about me? Well I’ll put you in your place.. perhaps harshly or blind?

Stay with a higher power
If you speak of others, then do it from a kind place,
Gossip is rubbish talk put in a can
Personally I am not a fan…..

“Then again I am only human 🤣”
9th February 2025

Saturday, 8 February 2025


You will get there…
Remind yourself that you will,
You wondered how you got there in the first place
Where things just happened and you wondered how one drink or hit led to the next and thereafter 
The father in heaven is working inside you and enabled you to become a grafter.

None of us are perfect
People at church face many trials ahead,
They also face many demonic attacks
These words are true, that’s where God has each of our backs.

No point saying: “if only I did this?”
What’s been done has been done,
Prayers do come from heaven, and one day we shall all become one.

The recovery is hard
The drink, the kick can lead to many paths to face,
Friends saying: “go on, go on, what one more can do?”
Remember it’s your body and mind, and that the other person isn’t  you….

“The road to recovering is a battle you are pulling through with God”
8th February 2025

Say your prayers

Say your prayers to start and finish the day
The problems may still exist there, but eventually they shall go away.

A person once said: “nothing stays the same”
The moments which you are facing can appear a little lame.

Say your prayers, pray for that person you may even dislike
It’s better to say spiritual words, rather than head onto your bike.

Look to the positives
They may be just around the corner,
The love of any prayer shall get your heart racing warmer.

8th February 2025

The food of poetry

Think about it?
We all need to be fed 
We also need the art of words, like the resting in our beds.

Surround yourself with people who shall encourage 
Ignore (but pray) for those who are not in the right space,
God is waiting for them to go through ‘that’ door to embrace.

Look to the world, and speak to God first
His love for you shall remove any of the devil’s curse.

Stay with the light
Despite the rain failing,
And remember there is always a chance to run rather than crawling.

9th February 2025

Encouragement from a prayer

What’s a prayer for? 
To lighten the load and to provide us a lift,
It’s not for for the sake of arguing or having a debate
It’s harmonise the angst we face and humble our mindful state.

Simply say a prayer to lift a person
God has truly got their back,
The breakage to cause falling 
is when light takes over and we prevent ourselves from stalling.

The prayer is the light
The prayer is to say God’s people are at work,
The prayer is to encourage the view we have in front 
And prevent the devil to aggress the falsities of a hunt.

Remember we are here for each other 
We are there to seek peace of mind and hope,
The encouragement from a prayer prevents any feelings to cause us to elope.

8th February 2025

Friday, 7 February 2025

They never leave you!

To the ones who are no longer here
Please do not ever fear,
They have never left your heart
And one day you shall refresh and together have a brand new start.

The spirit flies to another kingdom
It is true, believe that or not…
The thought we will see them again
Brings us hope to another place to encounter before we transcend.

The higher power did take them 
We have no say if they should stay or leave,
I just know for certain there is a Father in heaven we need to receive.

The good one’s leave us…for now!
We ought to relish what this earth has next in store,
I feel in my heart (and prayers) there is that bit waiting forevermore.

“For those who are not here….now!”
7th February 2025

No two days are the same

We all know this
But not everyone believes it.
No two days are the same
But praying is staying, and that part needs to remain.

The day may become bright
Or the day shall bring you into a storm,
Despite the season you are facing, we must learn to discern and reform.

The day may be sunny
Everything that you touch turns to light,
The next minute the darkness appears and you’ll need to face a fight.

Remember today may turn bad
And perhaps that leads to becoming sad,
May you see tomorrow with brightness that leads to a cheer 
As prayers are connected with different days, which through the storm you shall veneer.

7th February 2025

Being kind to you

Being kind to you
Believe it or not, the hardest thing you can achieve,
Yes.. you can feel lazy
Even a little gregarious which leads you to go a tad crazy.

Be kind to thee
Allow the gifts blossom and for the world to see.

Yes, we can all be hard on ourselves to see the light 
Praying and the feeling of losing out, you know? That lack of sight.

Being nice to you is so hard in this tempestuous world that is chaotic and blind
Wanting that zany feeling and seeking the impossible things to find.

Be kind to you, 
I want that from the bottom of my heart,
Praying endlessly for kindness to hold us up inside 
And praying to God for forgiveness, from that place you shall all eventually confide.

8th February 2025

The erratic pattern

Drinking of alcohol brings out your worse
Yet there is ‘No judgement’ here, God will intervene but don’t let the drink coerce.

The drink is sneeky 
It will get you at a place where you are at a lost,
Unfamiliar patterns emerges, and yes, that’s right!! there might be an indebted cost.

The fault isn’t yours 
You looked to a solution which was quick and light minded,
My problem what that this situation almost caught me blind-sided.. 

There is a good ending at the end of this
The mental health torture and judgement you may found,
The aim is to follow the steps, keep your focus and keep your feet on the ground.

“Fighting and encouraging… you are never alone.”
7th February 2025

Thursday, 6 February 2025


There’s a time you ruminate 
Thinking of life and pontificate,
You look to the stars and to the moon
You shouted previously, as you wondered why…as you weren’t facing a platoon?

You ruminate what to do next?
And who shall have your back,
Friendship is priceless these days but it’s the higher power who shan’t ever slack.

You look to others to bring you hope
They worry and try to come up with alternative solutions, 
As all you require is a listening ear and remove yourself from delusions.

People worry as hidden diseases appear
Yet you know it’s the father in heaven is the one that you ought to fear.

If I have ever offended you? Then I shall say sorry right at this moment in time
Rumination can be a blessing or hindrance, look towards your faith to define.

7th February 2025

There’s a time and a place

Some people you want to see
Some people you rather prefer to flee,
Ultimately we all need to be balanced and as one
Mind you that’s a contradiction of sorts as ‘always’ being alone isn’t fun.

The view of yourself needs to come with a prayer
A prayer banishes aggression which is the first port of call to flair. 

Suppression is part of what happens
So there’s ‘A time and a place’ ,
Discern and leave it with God, through that, there’s no haste.

Humbling your heart you may find solace and possible joy 
May you feel protected, like once when you were a girl or boy.

Today is a new day
Things may or may not take place, 
Remember, God never sleeps that’s the place I rather embrace.

6th February 2025

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

A good team behind you

Day to day you live a life aimed to assert
Living for the moment you no longer want to change or even divert.

Day to day diabetes changes with patterns
One minute high
The next you want to cry,
And the struggles with organ challenges
Leads to long term life harms towards internal damages.

Now, don’t think I am feeling sorry for I
I just to say ‘good ridden’ to this condition with a much needed goodbye.

You look to turn wrong into right
Hypos or hypers are a balancing act to fight,
All things incorporated and need to be assessed
Remember type 1s you are the best.

“Living with type 1 diabetes…”
6th February 2025

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Through the eyes of love

Love is judgement 
Love is joyful
Love can be fun and embracing when feeling cool.

Love in inspiration 
Love is God,
Love is exceptionally heightened 
Love removes anything for you to ever becoming frighten.

Love is the friend you genuinely need
Love is the strength to keep going,
Love is the emotion to embellish
Love is never wistful and needs to be relished.

Love is the place we want to reach 
Love is the benchmark we ought to teach,
Love is the place we should never leave
Love is the cornerstone God wants us to believe.

5th February 2025

Higher power

Believe it or not
The higher power truly does exist,
Especially when you can’t comprehend, the heart of God doesn’t dismiss.

Say your prayers and simply give him thanks
You have a blessing coming your way, as the spirit refill your tank.

Stay insightful and focused on God
Tiredness is part of it all,
So pray and try not to worry
There’s hope so don’t ever be sorry.

Hold out for hope
Speak to God at the start of the day,
Be mindful and pray for those who fill your cup with love
The energy shall soon restore and lift all of the above.

4th February 2025

Monday, 3 February 2025

Looking at life

We all tend to look at our life’s
Reassess what could have been,
Isn’t that the past?
Shouldn’t we look towards the good we have achieved 
Living a life that Jesus would have believed?

And give it your all
Staying in your comfort zone is often the case
And we potentially take an uncanny risk which could be challenging to face.

The thing is, don’t beat yourself up
speak to those who shall give you a lift,
You are blessed after all…and have plenty of gifts.

Tomorrow you may notice your potential more
Looking at moments of your past, could make you feel a little sore.

The moral of this poem is to be kind to you
If others speak negativity about your actions, you have the right to say: ‘the pendulum comes in many fractions”

4th February 2025

Sunday, 2 February 2025

To start

Remember God is awesome 
God is also smart
He is the first, the last and shall never depart.

Remember, God us loving 
God is there
God is the endureth and one who shall consistently care.

Remember, God is a open conversation 
One that is simple and joyful 
One that is exceptional and one that is deployable.

Start the week with a simple prayer
People can be difficult or perhaps show that sign of care?

The moral of the aim is to speak to God in a pattern of love
These words sound simple but they are also a humble nudge.

3rd February 2025

Blessings my brother

Happy birthday
May you be blessed and full of joy,
A child created by the almighty and hold spirit as a wonderful young boy.

You are delightful
Magnificent and insightful,
Talented and gifted with plenty of love
All blessings that the Father in heaven shall never shove.

You are kind and thoughtful
Takrs no nonsense and is plentifully nautical.

You are blessed on this day especially and many ahead
Carl my brother, these words of brilliance should be unsurmountable as more edifying words need to be said.

“Happy birthday Carl….J❤️🙏🏽”
2nd February 2025

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Lived experience

Diabetes… type 1, 2 or on the edge
People telling you shouldn’t eat that? Well the expert is the one who lives with it instead!

We live by rules of diet
We live through rules to also contain,
If everyone was as disciplined as a person with diabetes 
Then there be the significant reduction through the consumption of sweeties.

We live by diet, exercise and temperamental nature
We take no nonsense in our challenges as secretion of insulin externally is never a debater.

We make sure
We look to get it right,
And often when a hypo appears… we need to get on with it and fight.

2nd February 2025

A new you

Thank you 
No reason just a simple thank you,
Times have been challenging 
Times may have caused an awkwardness to find 
The faith of God yields, from at a place we are no longer blind. 

Be humble to your heart
Keep out of the rain, 
We are designed to love a higher power,
Glory the king, keep moving forward as you refute to even flounder.

May the Lord hold you close
You mean so much to him…the utter most,
Stay blessed and blessed the person next to you…
Do not judge, that is God’s decision to ensue.

Righteous you shall be if blessings pour into your heart
The hope he provides are lights from the sky,
Refute the fickleness of gossip, those words can go wry.

1st. February 2025

Diabetes stigma

Perhaps it’s because I am sensitive Perhaps it’s because I am outspoken and in-tuned, Perhaps the hypos are getting on top  and others ask q...