Thursday, 18 July 2024

What I’ll do to spend one day with them

We have all said it
We have all lost someone very, very close,
What you wouldn’t do to spend that one special day
Before the time God eventually takes them away.

Remember, they are still here in your heart
There spirit is there and shall ever leave,
The reason to believe in an afterlife is for the moment you surrender and re-live.

For example I miss my Yiayia, (grandmother), a calming and influential friend
Someone I could turn to in a time of need,
Not one to say: “I don’t understand them?..” through the time they look towards you and feed.

I want that one special day,
And to be honest I’ll give all the money I have to be physically close.
That look, that smell and that way they showed tremendous love
At the moment the heavens do rise above.

There is hurt in the soul
Grief is hard to leave behind,
The cherished moments of memories to recapture, and to yourself..learn to please be kind..

18th July 2024

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Higher power

Believe it or not The higher power truly does exist, Especially when you can’t comprehend, the heart of God doesn’t dismiss. Say your prayer...