Monday, 30 October 2017

Walk this road

Who knows the answers?
Who knows the truth?
The journey is unknown 
Yet the outcome comes from the lord,
As diligence shall sharpen the sword.

To be humble in spirit
And fear the almighty lord,
Walk through the battle of glory
Aiming to tell a wider story.

It may not have worked on this occasion 
And strength from the highest of high shall prevail.
Look at the bigger picture 
As your world is about to deliver a tale..

The path we walk can scare us like no other,
Yet we are working out the aims to achieve the goals.
One day at a time my dear 
As this ending shall be wrapped up in a beautiful bow. x

(C) Copyright 
Jason Andrews 

All or nothing or, nothing at all

All our eggs in one basket or hold a little back?
To be a character to reserve, 
Or expand more than you should 
Looking to balance the glory like we all could.

The aim is to achieve 
Of a disciplined goal,
A combination of guile and strategic battle 
Achieving a task with clear vision and aim,
The aspiration is to win at all costs rather than contain.

So we look to the heavens 
And yearn for the strength to fully fill,
As life’s personalities are clearly varied and mean a great deal. 

To understand one another
Is one of life’s greatest try,
Attempting to see the reasons why.
Then the balance of all or nothing  verses a percentage game,
This shall always be questioned as neither one shall enter into each other’s eternal flame.

(C) Copyright 
Jason Andrews

Sunday, 29 October 2017

2 days to rest

2 days of rest
And the time to heal
We all have wants and needs
Yet the aim delves into surreal. 

Love thy neighbour 
As you want to be loved yourself,
The journey is never ending 
A glorified trip that’s transcending.

Your life is precious
And I write for you and I,
Am I sensitive? Yes I am 
As the breaking ends with a plan..

A bye for good measure
A bye for a new beginning to take place
Look to the future with an open heart
God bless from the dawning from a new start.

(C) copyright 
Jason Andrews

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Purpose to Commission a service

A health service is commissioned
And hope is provided to the state,
We look to prevent an infliction to a need 
The purpose is to supply a demand and avoid greed.

Health is what we own 
Health is a relationship between you and sometimes advisory make,
Humbleness in the bigger picture
Is what we look for and sometimes take.

The system is far too big
Five years to save a public purse
The debate shall continue
Deflect to make it worse. 

We are human 
Yet our resolve in work makes us aim
We try and try and, never stop
This is the public picture we face
Stop, look and listen at this time and place. 

(C) Copyright 

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Never aimed to h........t x

You are put in situations in life
And you wonder how you got there,
No foresight on this occasion
No understanding which causes an abrasion. 

Mind over matter
Or strength to make a decision within,
To be honest I feel hurting 
As the moment is quite disconcerting.

To love and leave is hard 
To be scared to move into a passage of unawares,
You are the author of your life
As they have theirs.

For better or for worse
There are few that want to cause hurt,
Yet the majority make a choice with pain looming inside
Asking if they have done the right thing 
As a final decision needs to derive. 

“Do not worry what is said, it’s the decision (better or for worse) we need to accept and grow with, no matter how hard it maybe sometimes”

J x
(C) copyright 

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Keep going.....

We try and try despite the challenges possessed 
We learn to move forward 
As we come through the test.

We aim to go forward
For better and for worse,
Capture the meaning of the situation in hand
Go forth as together we shall righteously stand.

Moving forward despite the drama we have no choice
If you are low, then that needs to be the case
But you need to pull through adversity 
And relish the glory, and hit back at the cursory  

We fight and fight 
Never lose touch
Turn a situation on its head
Structure the outcome to bring you a smile
This is obviously worthy, yet may take awhile.

J x 
(C) Copyright

Hurt feelings....

Didn’t want to hurt feelings
I didn’t want to go back
I didn’t want to go into the unknown
Controversial and, potentially unbeknown.

I want to do right from wrong
And pay the consequences which could arrive
I may have lost the best thing ever
But going back isn’t a demise.

I have tried my best 
I may have lost a friend I’ll never see again
Yet I move forward with the faith in possess
This is clearly a difficult test.

Are you scared of life? 
Are you scared of the answer it may be.
Learn to move forward in life
And praise the lord through the difficult strife.

J x 
(C) copyright 


You gain an history
You gain a faith
You learn to yearn for good
Or become cold, and pullover the hood.

Never lose the concept of love
Even when trials hit your plan
By night and Day your time is so precious 
Yet with eternity to fore
Don’t become greedy anymore.

I want to hold you
I want to love you
If the time is to remain friends 
Balance the philosophy, for which it depends.

Love comes with cheer 
And hate is a wasteful source we need to deflect 
May the philosophies the higher spirit say in your heart 
as love is simply the only way and never to part. 🙏🏿✍🏽

(C) Copyright 

Not sure

You love 
You care
You aim to do what is right
You don’t want to hurt
Leading to avoid an emotional fight..

Kindred spirit
To capture the interests of themselves 
I am not in that place 
And may never reach that path to look and attain,
I need to find the key rather than lose and refrain.

Some are percentage souls
Others are 100% and more 
I rather hold back and listen
And avoid to enter a path make me sore. 

Friendship is the foundation 
And other leaps of faith pertain a reflective goal
May the joy of balance touch all that is good
Humble in faith and mercy.... like we all could.

(C) Copyright 

Friday, 20 October 2017

Looking up

We pray for you
In the light of our faith,
Times are challenging now
As you shall fight through this bitter taste.

Look towards the skies as prayer shall stem the fall,
Holding onto the past is not what the lords wants at all.

We shall hold you tight 
Even though we don’t know the depths of the pain
You shall wash away the past 
As this event became a difficult stain. 

We pray in unison
And hope the pain goes away 
We fight through the tears and embrace our time in Christ 
Love only love wins the adversity entereed in battle 
We leave this in gods hands and rid off the tattle.

(C) Copyright 

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Something new

One day we look towards something new.
I may not want conversation, maybe just a little clue.

We need encouragement 
Along with inspiring words 
A level of discontentment is not allowed
We look, aim and fire
That’s our passion, that’s our desire.

Love conquers hate
And hate has no home.
Look left, look right  and look direct 
Allow goodness from what you detect.

Mix with good people 
And pray for those with negative thoughts 
We are mere children of this earth
With valuable and humbleness, that has time and worth.

(C) Copyright

Tuesday, 17 October 2017


Starting over is never a thing we enjoy
We look at a failure 
Pontificate and rather deploy... 

Yet it’s in our in faith to try and try again
The grieving process suffices 
Yet in our heart this never really entices.

I stop and pray 
As these times are so real 
Aiming for a calmer place
Which is forevermore a new taste.

Never give up and learn from the trial which you have been set,
Look to a higher power
Which is always a sure bet.

Amen x
(C) Copyright 

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Start the week..

Whatever you see
Whatever you feel 
Whatever you have a view on...
The day starts with a fresh new start 
Humble beginnings shall never part.

You may earn lots
You may earn very little
Keep breathing and hold your head high
The time keeps ticking, there is no need to sigh.

We have goals and dreams 
We have love and wants 
Yet peace in our mind 
and happiness to fulfill 
means the effort needs to be applied and consequently surreal.

Balance in the lord 
Balance in the mind
Stay humble and at peace 
Learn to encounter Your defeats as well as your success
And remember, you are person who doesn’t deserve any less... 

J x 
(C) Copyright

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Work it out son

So you’ve had a knock back
Now look in the mirror 
And turn wrong into right.
Best leg forward, now pray, and show your might.

Bring the beauty forward
Say a joke, to put a grin on the face 
Work out a solution 
Rather than fall into a delusion.

Maybe think outside the box?
And turn sad into happy,
Solutions to solve an awkward time 
Look towards your gifts 
And pray in total sublime. 

You are worthy of a smile
Which is worth more than money ever can do,
The richest from the depth of your soul will brings you a happy life,
Stay humble in spirit and pure in mind
Stay true to thyself, seek and you shall find.

J x
(C) Copyright 

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Not letting go xxx

Here’s my hand 
I shan’t let go,
I care and love you 
That’s why we are in a flow.

The higher power never lets up
You may face your moments of anguish and duress,
Believe in a elevated being 
You my dear, do not deserve anyless.

When love reaches a height
You avoid any form of plight,
Bring a test of love 
That’s why god is so much above.

Never let go
And never let cease
You are the deserving child of god 
Encapsulating a new page to turn,
This is why we are here... to forever learn.. x

J x
(C) Copyright

Monday, 9 October 2017

The day it made sense

A day never to forget 
I was broken, crying, not sure where I was going to go
I felt his presence,
I felt his love.
I was breaking yet forming into a dove.

I felt the grace 
As I saw this church.
This was my calling 
My time, when the holy father arrived,
A new begininng has beckoned and as I derived.

I hold a past where I didn’t know how to survive
Now and forevermore, I have god 
As I enter into a spiritual plane... I am alive!

When the hand touched my soul,
I can now spiritually flow.
There shall be challenging times ahead
Now I pray for god and his son Jesus
Whenever I lay my head.

I came through a crossing 
When this momentous of days splashed my heart,
Pray from a higher source as my tears of happiness 
Shall not depart. 

J x 

(C) copyright 

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Over thinkers

Believe it or not we live in a society of over thinkers,
Sometimes that energy can put on the blinkers..

What am I saying?
These are traits of plethora folk
Looking at all eventualities until the subject is broke.

Me? I can’t live like that 
I need clinical reaction 
As over thinking does not give me satisfaction. 

We are all different 
As I say words to the point 
Yet sometimes, you overthinkers have a clue, 
A concoction of places you guys see
As your strength to exhaust, 
And eventually becomes free.

So as I end the note by being polite
I have my views and my sight.
I just pray people do not tire themselves out
As the outcome of this overthinking 
Hopefully comes with a worthy clout. 

(C) copyright 

One day at a time

One day at a time
That’s all any of us can ask,
Working out right from wrong
Don’t put yourself through unnecessary pressure... forlong.

At peace we strive
At peace that makes us survive,
What to do in a all or nothing quest
Brings out the best result, or becomes far less?

May we work in harmony
May we work in love of Christ
May the humbleness to be gentle 
Avoids the chaos and deliverance of mental.

Heated blood and soulful minds
Understanding balance is key,
One day, just one day...
The openness when finding hope..
Shall inevitably set us free...


Thursday, 5 October 2017

Journey we face

Who knows the path we control?
Believe in a higher being?
Or anally control your domain 
I often learn to refrain.

I rather be left alone 
There's no chance moving this arm
Yes I am strong 
And would exalt an array of charm. 

I love you guys
And even if these words go above your head
No need to digest the words
Better off to stay in bed!!!

Calm or noise 
The control needs to be attained 
For someone like me?
I need balance as I am hard to force
Yet with humility I am keen to learn
And avoidance to become difficult... and stern xxx

Monday, 2 October 2017


Let's face it no one likes this day
That starts off the week.
Once again looking to answer questions
Which start off bleak.

Yet as the week progresses 
You can see why Monday arrives
You need to start somewhere 
Yet this day we often aim to survive.

Look to this day as the day we learn to digress 
Aiming for next challenges 
Which can come across far less. 

As long as there's a day to live a good day
Learning from new beginnings which do not stray
As your resolve exhales a fresh and exciting array.

"Have a great Monday.. xxx"

Never lose who you are

Focus on the positives Others will try their best to rile, They will smirk with a passive grin To their surprise they are falling into the D...